Prevalencia de caries dental y urgencias de tratamiento odontológico en escolares de 6 a 12 años II.EE. 6010120. Las Malvinas-Punchana 2022
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Universidad Cientìfica del Perù
Objetivo: Evaluar la Prevalencia de Caries Dental y Urgencias de Tratamiento Odontológico en escolares de 6 a 12 años. II.EE. 6010120. Las Malvinas-Punchana-2022. Metodología: el estudio fue de tipo cuantitativo; diseño no experimental, descriptivo, correlacional, prospectivo y de cohorte transversal. Población: 606; muestra: 237 alumnos. Resultados: predomino el sexo femenino con 136 niños (52.10%); 99 niños (37,9%) fueron niños de 8 a 9 años. El índice CPO-D promedio fue de 1.57 predominando en el Saxo femenino 1.62 y 102 (39,1%) niños con nivel aucente y el índice Ceo-d promedio fue de 4.23 con predominio en el sexo masculino con 4.67 y 74 niños (28,3%) con nivel muy alto. La prevalencia de caries dental fue 90% (235 niños/niñas) y 26 niños/niñas) no presentaron Caries Dental (10%). Se hallo que 142 alumnos (54%) tenia mediana urgencia de tratamiento odontologico (enddodontico). NO hubo relación estadísticamente significativa entre la prevalencia de caries dental y sexo de los estudiantes X2=0.361, gl=1, p=0.548 (p>0.05), Se encontró relación estadísticamente significativa entre la prevalencia de caries dental y el grupo etario X2= 12.393, gl=2, p=0.002 (p<0.05), se halló relación estadísticamente significativa entre la prevalencia de caries dental y urgencias de tratamiento odontológico X2=261.000, gl=4, p=0.002 (p<0.05). Conclusiones: no se encontró relación entre la prevalencia de caries dental y sexo de los estudiantes, si se halló relación estadísticamente significativa entre la prevalencia de caries dental, grupo etario y con urgencias de tratamiento odontológico.
To evaluate the Prevalence of Dental Caries and Dental Treatment Emergencies in schoolchildren aged 6 to 12 years. II.EE. 6010120. Las Malvinas-Punchana-2022. Methodology: the study was quantitative; non-experimental, descriptive, correlational, prospective and cross-sectional cohort design. Population: 606; sample: 237 students. Results: female sex predominated with 136 children (52.10%); 99 children (37.9%) were children aged 8 to 9 years. The average CPO-D index was 1.57 predominating in the female Saxophone 1.62 and 102 (39.1%) children with aucente level and the average Ceo-d index was 4.23 with predominance in the male sex with 4.67 and 74 children (28.3%) with very high level. The prevalence of dental caries was 90% (235 boys/girls) and 26 boys/girls) did not present Dental Caries (10%). It was found that 142 students (54%) had medium urgency of dental treatment (endodontic). There was NO statistically significant relationship between the prevalence of dental caries and sex of the students X2=0.361, gl=1, p=0.548 (p>0.05), A statistically significant relationship was found between the prevalence of dental caries and the age group X2= 12.393, gl=2, p=0.002 (p<0.05), a statistically significant relationship was found between the prevalence of dental caries and dental treatment emergencies X2=261,000, gl=4, p=0.002 (p<0.05). Conclusions: no relationship was found between the prevalence of dental caries and sex of the students, if a statistically significant relationship was found between the prevalence of dental caries, age group and with dental treatment emergencies.
To evaluate the Prevalence of Dental Caries and Dental Treatment Emergencies in schoolchildren aged 6 to 12 years. II.EE. 6010120. Las Malvinas-Punchana-2022. Methodology: the study was quantitative; non-experimental, descriptive, correlational, prospective and cross-sectional cohort design. Population: 606; sample: 237 students. Results: female sex predominated with 136 children (52.10%); 99 children (37.9%) were children aged 8 to 9 years. The average CPO-D index was 1.57 predominating in the female Saxophone 1.62 and 102 (39.1%) children with aucente level and the average Ceo-d index was 4.23 with predominance in the male sex with 4.67 and 74 children (28.3%) with very high level. The prevalence of dental caries was 90% (235 boys/girls) and 26 boys/girls) did not present Dental Caries (10%). It was found that 142 students (54%) had medium urgency of dental treatment (endodontic). There was NO statistically significant relationship between the prevalence of dental caries and sex of the students X2=0.361, gl=1, p=0.548 (p>0.05), A statistically significant relationship was found between the prevalence of dental caries and the age group X2= 12.393, gl=2, p=0.002 (p<0.05), a statistically significant relationship was found between the prevalence of dental caries and dental treatment emergencies X2=261,000, gl=4, p=0.002 (p<0.05). Conclusions: no relationship was found between the prevalence of dental caries and sex of the students, if a statistically significant relationship was found between the prevalence of dental caries, age group and with dental treatment emergencies.
Prevalencia de Caries Dental, Urgencias de Tratamiento Odontológico, índices CPO-D/Ceo-d, Prevalence of Dental Caries, Dental Treatment Emergencies, CPO-D/Ceo-d indices
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