Covid 19 y morbimortalidad de las gestantes atendidas en el hospital de loreto de abril a diciembre 2020
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Determinar la relación que existe entre el COVID-19 y la Morbimortalidad
Materna de las gestantes atendidas en el HRL de abril a diciembre del 2020.
Observacional, transversal, descriptivo y retrospectivo, con criterio
cuantitativo. La población de estudio estuvo formada por 208 gestantes con el
diagnostico confirmado de positivo a COVID-19 y la muestra fue de 135
gestantes positivos, atendidas en el HRL de abril a diciembre 2020 y el tipo de
muestreo se determinó de acuerdo a formula estadística para poblaciones
De 135 gestantes atendidas con diagnóstico de COVID-19 en el HRL, entre
abril a diciembre del 2020, las mismas que cumplieron los criterios de
inclusión utilizadas, se encontró las siguientes características
sociodemográficas el 54 % de las gestantes bordeaba la edad de los 20 a 34
años, el 65% contaba con estudios secundarios, un 40.7% procedían de la
zona urbana y un 86.7% eran convivientes.
Las particularidades obstétricas de las gestantes con COVID-19 fue 48.1%
eran multíparas,57 % no tuvo atención prenatal suficiente, el 64.4%tuvo
gestaciones a término de 37 a más semanas, la terminación del parto fue
53.3% vía vaginal y 34.8% cesárea. 28.9% tuvo anemia,16,3% infección del
tracto urinario,15.6 % hipertensión del embarazo,12.6% RPM y 4.4% parto
La incidencia de la mortalidad materna por COVID-19 fue de 3.7%
fallecimientos ocurridos 40% en el embarazo ,40% durante el parto y 20 %
en el puerperio
No se encontró una relación significativa entre el COVID-19 y la morbilidad
de las gestantes atendidas (p= 0.164)
Se encontró relación estadística significativa (p=0.001) entre el COVID-19 y la
mortalidad materna.
Determine the relationship that exists between COVID-19 and Maternal Morbidity and Mortality of pregnant women treated at the HRL from April to December 2020. Methodology. Observational, transversal, descriptive and retrospective, with quantitative criteria. The study population was made up of 208 pregnant women with a confirmed positive diagnosis of COVID-19 and the sample was 135 positive pregnant women, treated at the HRL from April to December 2020 and the type of sampling was determined according to a statistical formula for finite populations. Results Of 135 pregnant women treated with a diagnosis of COVID-19 in the HRL, between April to December 2020, the same ones that met the inclusion criteria used, the following sociodemographic characteristics were found: 54% of the pregnant women were around the age of 20 to 34 years old, 65% had secondary education, 40.7% came from the urban area and 86.7% were cohabitants. The obstetric particularities of pregnant women with COVID-19 were 48.1% were multiparous, 57% did not have sufficient prenatal care, 64.4% had full-term pregnancies of 37 or more weeks, 53.3% terminated labor vaginally and 34.8% had a cesarean section. . 28.9% had anemia, 16.3% urinary tract infection, 15.6% pregnancy hypertension, 12.6% PROM and 4.4% preterm delivery. The incidence of maternal mortality due to COVID-19 was 3.7%, deaths occurring 40% during pregnancy, 40% during childbirth and 20% in the postpartum period. Conclusion. No significant relationship was found between COVID-19 and the morbidity of the pregnant women treated (p= 0.164). A significant statistical relationship was found (p=0.001) between COVID-19 and maternal mortality.
Determine the relationship that exists between COVID-19 and Maternal Morbidity and Mortality of pregnant women treated at the HRL from April to December 2020. Methodology. Observational, transversal, descriptive and retrospective, with quantitative criteria. The study population was made up of 208 pregnant women with a confirmed positive diagnosis of COVID-19 and the sample was 135 positive pregnant women, treated at the HRL from April to December 2020 and the type of sampling was determined according to a statistical formula for finite populations. Results Of 135 pregnant women treated with a diagnosis of COVID-19 in the HRL, between April to December 2020, the same ones that met the inclusion criteria used, the following sociodemographic characteristics were found: 54% of the pregnant women were around the age of 20 to 34 years old, 65% had secondary education, 40.7% came from the urban area and 86.7% were cohabitants. The obstetric particularities of pregnant women with COVID-19 were 48.1% were multiparous, 57% did not have sufficient prenatal care, 64.4% had full-term pregnancies of 37 or more weeks, 53.3% terminated labor vaginally and 34.8% had a cesarean section. . 28.9% had anemia, 16.3% urinary tract infection, 15.6% pregnancy hypertension, 12.6% PROM and 4.4% preterm delivery. The incidence of maternal mortality due to COVID-19 was 3.7%, deaths occurring 40% during pregnancy, 40% during childbirth and 20% in the postpartum period. Conclusion. No significant relationship was found between COVID-19 and the morbidity of the pregnant women treated (p= 0.164). A significant statistical relationship was found (p=0.001) between COVID-19 and maternal mortality.
Gestante atendida, Morbilidad materna, Mortalidad materna, COVID-19, Pregnant woman cared for, Maternal morbidity, Maternal mortality, COVID-19
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