Prohibición del juez de la calificación de la demanda para solicitar los medios probatorios originales en la etapa postulatoria, Iquitos, 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La presente investigación partió del problema ¿El juez de la calificación de la
demanda debe solicitar los medios probatorios originales o copias certificadas en
la etapa postulatoria? Y el objetivo fue: Analizar si el juez de la calificación de la
demanda debe solicitar los medios probatorios originales o copias certificadas
en la etapa postulatoria. La técnica que se empleó fue la encuesta y el
instrumento fue el cuestionario. La población estuvo conformada por 60
abogados litigantes de la Provincia de Maynas, la muestra estuvo conformada
por 52 abogados litigantes. El diseño que se empleó en la presente investigación
es la “No experimental de tipo transaccional o transversal de nivel descriptivo”.
Para el análisis estadístico se usó la estadística descriptiva, para el estudio de
las variables de manera independiente y para demostración de las hipótesis se
usó la prueba paramétrica chi cuadrado (x2). Los resultados indicaron que: El
juez de la calificación de la demanda no debe solicitar los medios probatorios
originales o copias certificadas en la etapa postulatoria, toda vez que la etapa
pertinente para dicho cuestionamiento es en la etapa probatoria. Habiendo
determinado lo anterior, podemos indicar entonces que resultaría factible
modificar el numeral 2 del artículo 51° del Código Procesal Civil a fin de agregar
que el juez deberá ordenar los actos procesales necesarios al esclarecimiento
de los hechos controvertidos, respetando su respectiva etapa.
The present investigation was based on the problem: Should the judge of the qualification of the lawsuit request the original means of evidence or certified copies in the postulatory stage? And the objective was: To analyze if the judge of the qualification of the claim should request the original means of evidence or certified copies in the postulatory stage. The technique used was the survey and the instrument was the questionnaire. The population consisted of 60 litigants from the Province of Maynas, and the sample consisted of 52 litigants. The design used in this research is the "non-experimental transactional or transversal type of descriptive level". For the statistical analysis, descriptive statistics were used to study the variables independently and to demonstrate the hypotheses, the parametric chi-square test (x2) was used. The results indicated that: The judge of the qualification of the claim should not request the original evidentiary means or certified copies in the postulatory stage, since the pertinent stage for such questioning is in the evidentiary stage. Having determined the above, we can then indicate that it would be feasible to modify numeral 2 of article 51 of the Civil Procedure Code in order to add that the judge must order the necessary procedural acts to clarify the controversial facts, respecting their respective stage.
The present investigation was based on the problem: Should the judge of the qualification of the lawsuit request the original means of evidence or certified copies in the postulatory stage? And the objective was: To analyze if the judge of the qualification of the claim should request the original means of evidence or certified copies in the postulatory stage. The technique used was the survey and the instrument was the questionnaire. The population consisted of 60 litigants from the Province of Maynas, and the sample consisted of 52 litigants. The design used in this research is the "non-experimental transactional or transversal type of descriptive level". For the statistical analysis, descriptive statistics were used to study the variables independently and to demonstrate the hypotheses, the parametric chi-square test (x2) was used. The results indicated that: The judge of the qualification of the claim should not request the original evidentiary means or certified copies in the postulatory stage, since the pertinent stage for such questioning is in the evidentiary stage. Having determined the above, we can then indicate that it would be feasible to modify numeral 2 of article 51 of the Civil Procedure Code in order to add that the judge must order the necessary procedural acts to clarify the controversial facts, respecting their respective stage.
Calificación de la demanda, Etapa postulatoria, Deber del juez, Medios probatorios, Copias simples, Qualification of the claim, Postulatory stage, Duty of the judge, Evidentiary means, Simple copies
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