Hallazgos citológicos del tamizaje de papanicolaou realizados en mujeres del hospital regional de Loreto, 2020
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El cáncer de cuello uterino, constituye una de las patologías con altas tasas
de incidencia y mortalidad en casi todo el mundo, ocupando el quinto lugar
entre las neoplasias más frecuentes y el segundo lugar entre los tumores
Determinar los hallazgos citológicos del tamizaje de Papanicolaou en
mujeres atendidas en el Hospital Regional de Loreto, 2020.
La investigación fue de tipo cuantitativo, de diseño descriptivo, de corte
transversal y retrospectivo, con una población de 198 mujeres con informes
citológicos de Papanicolaou y un tamaño muestra de 131 mujeres que
cumplieron con los criterios de selección la misma que fue calculada por
medio de la fórmula de proporciones finitas.
Las características sociodemográficas encontradas fueron; edades > 35
años (64.1%), procedencia Urbanomarginal (47.3%), convivientes (55.7%)
y estudios secundarios (64.9%); entre las características Gineco-
Obstétricas se encontró mayor tendencia en la menarquia antes de los 15
años (78.6%), seguido del inicio de relaciones sexuales > 15 años (57.3%),
tuvieron 1 aborto (16.8%), además de tener entre 2 a 3 hijos (58.8%), así
como el uso de métodos anticonceptivos hormonales (85.5%) y en menor
proporción antecedente familiar de cáncer ginecológico (7.6%); Los
principales hallazgos del tamizaje de Papanicolaou fueron LEIBG (24.4%),
seguido LEIAG (9.2%) y CARCINOMA INVASIVO (0.8%), sin embargo,
predomino el resultado negativo en tamizaje (65.6%).
Se encontró que la edad (X2= 7.518; p= 0.023), Menarquia (X2= 8.203; p=
0.004), Inicio de relaciones sexuales (X2= 14.493; p= 0.000), aborto (X2=
7.439; p= 0.024) y número de hijos (X2= 9.271; p= 0.010) guardan relación
significativa con el resultado positivo en el tamizaje de Papanicolaou.
To determine the cytological findings of the Pap smear in women treated at the Regional Hospital of Loreto, 2020. Methodology The research was quantitative, with a descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective design, with a population of 198 women with Pap smear reports and a sample size of 131 women who met the selection criteria, which was calculated by means of the formula of finite proportions. Results The sociodemographic characteristics found were; ages > 35 years (64.1%), urban marginal origin (47.3%), cohabitants (55.7%) and secondary education (64.9%); Among the Gyneco-Obstetric characteristics, a greater tendency was found in menarche before the age of 15 (78.6%), followed by the beginning of sexual relations > 15 years (57.3%), they had 1 abortion (16.8%), in addition to having between 2 3 children (58.8%), as well as the use of hormonal contraceptive methods (85.5%) and, to a lesser extent, family history of gynecological cancer (7.6%); The main findings of the Pap smear were LEIBG (24.4%), followed by LEIAG (9.2%) and INVASIVE CARCINOMA (0.8%), however, negative screening results predominated (65.6%). Conclusion It was found that age (X2= 7.518; p= 0.023), Menarche (X2= 8.203; p= 0.004), Start of sexual intercourse (X2= 14.493; p= 0.000), abortion (X2= 7.439; p= 0.024) and number of children (X2= 9.271; p= 0.010) are significantly related to the positive result in the Pap smear.
To determine the cytological findings of the Pap smear in women treated at the Regional Hospital of Loreto, 2020. Methodology The research was quantitative, with a descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective design, with a population of 198 women with Pap smear reports and a sample size of 131 women who met the selection criteria, which was calculated by means of the formula of finite proportions. Results The sociodemographic characteristics found were; ages > 35 years (64.1%), urban marginal origin (47.3%), cohabitants (55.7%) and secondary education (64.9%); Among the Gyneco-Obstetric characteristics, a greater tendency was found in menarche before the age of 15 (78.6%), followed by the beginning of sexual relations > 15 years (57.3%), they had 1 abortion (16.8%), in addition to having between 2 3 children (58.8%), as well as the use of hormonal contraceptive methods (85.5%) and, to a lesser extent, family history of gynecological cancer (7.6%); The main findings of the Pap smear were LEIBG (24.4%), followed by LEIAG (9.2%) and INVASIVE CARCINOMA (0.8%), however, negative screening results predominated (65.6%). Conclusion It was found that age (X2= 7.518; p= 0.023), Menarche (X2= 8.203; p= 0.004), Start of sexual intercourse (X2= 14.493; p= 0.000), abortion (X2= 7.439; p= 0.024) and number of children (X2= 9.271; p= 0.010) are significantly related to the positive result in the Pap smear.
Características Gineco-obstétricas, Hallazgo citológico, Tamizaje de Papanicolaou, Gyneco-obstetric characteristics, Cytological finding, Papanicolaou screening
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