La cultura turística de la población anfitriona del centro poblado de padre cocha, distrito de Punchana, Maynas, Loreto 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La investigación tiene por objetivo determinar el nivel de cultura turística de la población mencionada y su incremento de visita de turistas. El tipo de investigación fue descriptiva, por que se analizó una problemática que la población conformada por 3215 personas con una muestra de 344, a quienes se les realizó un cuestionario. Se concluye que las poblaciones anfitrionas del centro poblado de Padre Cocha un 55% de ellos conservan su cultura y tradiciones ancestrales de la cultura cocama, también un 79% conocen del desarrollo de las actividades turísticas y los beneficios que genera, se incrementaron lugares turísticos que permite al visitante tener opciones para el disfrute de su estadía. El nivel de participación de la comunidad en las actividades turísticas es poca con un 50% considerado como un elemento clave y esencial para ellos es necesario que los operadores turísticos incluyan a la población local.
The research aims to determine the level of tourist culture of the aforementioned population and its increase in tourist visits.The type of research was descriptive because it analyzed a problem that its population consisted of 3215 people with a sample of 344 people who were given a questionnaire.It is concluded that the host populations of the centro poblado of Padre Cocha, 55% of the inhabitants conserve their culture and ancestral traditions of the Cocama culture, also 79% know about the development of tourist activities and the benefits that it generates, tourist places were increased that allows the visitor to have options for the enjoyment of their stay.The level of community participation in tourism activities is low with 50% considered a key and essential element for them, it is necessary that tour operators include the local population.
The research aims to determine the level of tourist culture of the aforementioned population and its increase in tourist visits.The type of research was descriptive because it analyzed a problem that its population consisted of 3215 people with a sample of 344 people who were given a questionnaire.It is concluded that the host populations of the centro poblado of Padre Cocha, 55% of the inhabitants conserve their culture and ancestral traditions of the Cocama culture, also 79% know about the development of tourist activities and the benefits that it generates, tourist places were increased that allows the visitor to have options for the enjoyment of their stay.The level of community participation in tourism activities is low with 50% considered a key and essential element for them, it is necessary that tour operators include the local population.
Cultura turística, Población anfitriona, Tourist culture, Host population
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