Elaboración de adobe estabilizado con materiales reciclables (PET) en el centro poblado Nuevo Egipto – distrito San Hilarión - provincia Picota - 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La presente investigación ha tenido como lugar de elaboración en el centro poblado de nuevo Egipto, que consiste en la “elaboración de adobe estabilizado con materiales reciclables pet (plástico) en el centro poblado nuevo Egipto – distrito san Hilarión - provincia picota- 2021” para mejorar su desempeño como material de construcción.
El objetivo es evaluar la factibilidad de un adobe con material pet, como estabilizador del adobe tradicional y las condiciones necesarias para garantizar su acción estabilizante.
Las propiedades analizadas en la presente investigación han sido Las propiedades mecánicas del adobe: la resistencia a la compresión y físicas como: Absorción para el adobe tradicional, así como el adobe con adición de PET, los adobes han sido evaluados mediante protocolos debidamente validados.
La población analizada de la presente investigación fueron las unidades de adobe tradicional y los adobes con adición de PET teniendo una muestra de 04 adobes. Los ensayos realizados se hicieron en el laboratorio de Mecánica de Suelos Grupo 4D ingeniería SAC.
Concluyendo que los adobes elaborados con adición de materiales reciclables PET no tienen mejores propiedades al ser comparadas con adobes de elaboración tradicional.
The present investigation has had as a place of elaboration in the populated center of New Egypt, which consists of the "elaboration of stabilized adobe with recyclable pet materials (plastic) in the New Egypt populated center - San Hilarión district - Picota province- 2021" improve its performance as a building material. The objective is to evaluate the feasibility of an adobe with pet material, as a stabilizer for traditional adobe and the necessary conditions to guarantee its stabilizing action. The properties analyzed in this research have been The mechanical properties of adobe: resistance to compression and physical as: Absorption for traditional adobe, as well as adobe with the addition of PET, the adobes have been evaluated using duly validated protocols. The analyzed population of the present investigation were the traditional adobe units and the adobes with addition of PET, having a sample of 04 adobes. The tests carried out were carried out in the Laboratory of Soil Mechanics Grupo 4D ingeniería SAC. Concluding that adobes made with the addition of recyclable pet materials do not have better properties when compared to traditionally made adobes.
The present investigation has had as a place of elaboration in the populated center of New Egypt, which consists of the "elaboration of stabilized adobe with recyclable pet materials (plastic) in the New Egypt populated center - San Hilarión district - Picota province- 2021" improve its performance as a building material. The objective is to evaluate the feasibility of an adobe with pet material, as a stabilizer for traditional adobe and the necessary conditions to guarantee its stabilizing action. The properties analyzed in this research have been The mechanical properties of adobe: resistance to compression and physical as: Absorption for traditional adobe, as well as adobe with the addition of PET, the adobes have been evaluated using duly validated protocols. The analyzed population of the present investigation were the traditional adobe units and the adobes with addition of PET, having a sample of 04 adobes. The tests carried out were carried out in the Laboratory of Soil Mechanics Grupo 4D ingeniería SAC. Concluding that adobes made with the addition of recyclable pet materials do not have better properties when compared to traditionally made adobes.
Bloque de Adobe, Botellas plásticas, Resistencia a la compresión, Adobe estabilizado, Adobe block, Plastic bottles, Resistance to compression, Stabilized mudbrick
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