Factores de riesgo para el inicio tardío de la atención prenatal en gestantes que acuden a la Ipress I-4 San Juan de Miraflores, 2020
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Determinar los factores de riesgo para el inicio tardío de la Atención
Prenatal en gestantes que acuden a la IPRESS I-4 San Juan de
Miraflores, 2020.
El presente estudio fue de tipo observacional analítico de diseño casos y
controles prospectivo; con una muestra conformada por 20 casos (> 14
semanas) y 20 controles (< 14 semanas) de gestantes que iniciaron su
atención prenatal en los consultorios de Obstetricia de la IPRESS I-4 San
Juan de Miraflores, octubre 2020.
Entre los factores sociodemográficos de riesgo para el inicio tardío de la
APN estuvieron; las casadas (OR=2.1; IC 95% 0.17-25.34) y estudios
primarios (OR= 4.7; IC 95% 0.48-49.90), asimismo se observó los factores
obstétricos como paridad, antecedente de aborto, edad gestacional,
importancia de la APN y antecedente de inicio tardío no incrementaron el
riesgo. Los principales factores institucionales que incrementaron el riesgo
fueron; la dificultad para acudir al establecimiento de salud 2.2 veces
(OR= 2.2; IC 95% 0.63-7.97) y el tiempo de espera no adecuado en 2.6
veces (OR= 2.6; IC 95% 0.64-10.9).
Los factores Sociodemográficos e institucionales incrementaron el riesgo
para el inicio tardío de la Atención Prenatal en gestantes atendidas en la
IPRESS I-4 San Juan de Miraflores.
To determine the risk factors for the late start of Prenatal Care in pregnant women who attend the IPRESS I-4 San Juan de Miraflores, 2020. Methodology The present study was of an analytical observational type with a prospective case-control design; with a sample made up of 20 cases (> 14 weeks) and 20 controls (< 14 weeks) of pregnant women who began their prenatal care in the Obstetrics clinics of the IPRESS I-4 San Juan de Miraflores, October 2020. Results Among the sociodemographic risk factors for late onset of APN were; married women (OR=2.1; 95% CI 0.17-25.34) and primary studies (OR= 4.7; 95% CI 0.48-49.90), obstetric factors such as parity, history of abortion, gestational age, importance of APN were also observed and a history of late onset did not increase the risk. The main institutional factors that increased the risk were; difficulty in going to the health facility 2.2 times (OR= 2.2; 95% CI 0.63-7.97) and inappropriate waiting time 2.6 times (OR= 2.6; 95% CI 0.64-10.9). Conclusions Sociodemographic and institutional factors increased the risk for the late start of Prenatal Care in pregnant women treated at the IPRESS I-4 San Juan de Miraflores.
To determine the risk factors for the late start of Prenatal Care in pregnant women who attend the IPRESS I-4 San Juan de Miraflores, 2020. Methodology The present study was of an analytical observational type with a prospective case-control design; with a sample made up of 20 cases (> 14 weeks) and 20 controls (< 14 weeks) of pregnant women who began their prenatal care in the Obstetrics clinics of the IPRESS I-4 San Juan de Miraflores, October 2020. Results Among the sociodemographic risk factors for late onset of APN were; married women (OR=2.1; 95% CI 0.17-25.34) and primary studies (OR= 4.7; 95% CI 0.48-49.90), obstetric factors such as parity, history of abortion, gestational age, importance of APN were also observed and a history of late onset did not increase the risk. The main institutional factors that increased the risk were; difficulty in going to the health facility 2.2 times (OR= 2.2; 95% CI 0.63-7.97) and inappropriate waiting time 2.6 times (OR= 2.6; 95% CI 0.64-10.9). Conclusions Sociodemographic and institutional factors increased the risk for the late start of Prenatal Care in pregnant women treated at the IPRESS I-4 San Juan de Miraflores.
Factores sociodemográficos, Factores Obstétricos, Factores institucionales, Inicio tardío APN, Sociodemographic factors, Obstetric factors, Institutional factors
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