Implementación del comité de control interno en la municipalidad provincial de ucayali-contamana, ejercicio fiscal 2020
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El objetivo fue determinar los factores que han influido en el trabajo del Comité de Control Interno. La metodología se basó en un diseño descriptivo y no experimental, con una población de 8 miembros del comité, a quienes se aplicó cuestionario para la obtención de resultados.
Los resultados señalan que existe alto nivel de decisiones estratégicas respecto a los miembros del comité, al tomarlas dentro de su labor, como en otro ámbito. También, se pudo observar que las funciones cumplidas por estos mismos son satisfactorias al existir una comunicación asertiva en todo momento para el correcto uso y función de cada uno de los miembros respectivos dentro del comité. Y respecto a las capacidades a desarrollar, se pudo evidenciar que se necesita enfoque en los elementos del control interno, ya que estos son de vital importancia para el correcto uso y verificación de los recursos de cada entidad.
The objective was to determine the factors that have influenced the work of the Internal Control Committee. The methodology was based on a descriptive and non-experimental design, with a population of 8 members of the committee, to whom a questionnaire was applied to obtain results. The results indicate that there is a high level of strategic decisions regarding the members of the committee, when making them within their work, as in another area. It was also possible to observe that the functions performed by them is satisfactory as there is assertive communication at all times for the correct use and function of each of the respective members within the committee. And regarding the capacities to be developed, it was possible to show that a focus on the elements of internal control is needed, since these are of vital importance for the correct use and verification of the resources of each entity.
The objective was to determine the factors that have influenced the work of the Internal Control Committee. The methodology was based on a descriptive and non-experimental design, with a population of 8 members of the committee, to whom a questionnaire was applied to obtain results. The results indicate that there is a high level of strategic decisions regarding the members of the committee, when making them within their work, as in another area. It was also possible to observe that the functions performed by them is satisfactory as there is assertive communication at all times for the correct use and function of each of the respective members within the committee. And regarding the capacities to be developed, it was possible to show that a focus on the elements of internal control is needed, since these are of vital importance for the correct use and verification of the resources of each entity.
Control interno, Diagnóstico del control interno, Miembros del comité, Internal control, Diagnosis of internal control, Ommittee members
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