La resiliencia y violencia familiar en estudiantes del 1° 2° 3° de secundaria de una institución educativa de Iquitos, 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El propósito del estudio consistió en analizar la conexión entre resiliencia
y violencia familiar en estudiantes de primer, segundo y tercer grado de una
Institución Educativa de Iquitos en 2023. La metodología empleada fue de
tipo cuantitativo correlacional, de diseño no experimental y transversal. Se
seleccionó una muestra de 270 estudiantes de los grados mencionados, a
quienes se les administraron dos instrumentos: la Escala de Resiliencia
Barboza (2017) para evaluar la variable independiente (VI) y el cuestionario
de Jesús Castro Banda y Livia Altamirano, de nacionalidad peruana, para
evaluar la variable dependiente (VD). La correlación se evaluó mediante el
coeficiente de Spearman (Rho), revelando un Rho de 0.593 (nivel
moderado) con un valor de p=0.001, inferior a 0.05. Además, se encontró
que el 44% de los estudiantes perciben tener un nivel bajo de resiliencia,
mientras que el 46% percibe un nivel bajo de violencia familiar y el 23%
muestra una percepción elevada de violencia física. En conclusión, se
evidencia una correlación moderada entre la resiliencia y la violencia
The purpose of the study was to analyze the connection between resilience and family violence in first, second and third grade students of an educational institution in Iquitos in 2023. The methodology used was quantitative correlational, non-experimental and cross-sectional design. A sample of 270 students from the aforementioned grades was selected, to whom two instruments were administered: the Barboza Resilience Scale (2017) to evaluate the independent variable (VI) and the Jesús Castro Banda and Livia Altamirano questionnaire, of Peruvian nationality, to evaluate the dependent variable (DV). The correlation was evaluated using Spearman's coefficient (Rho), revealing an Rho of 0.593 (moderate level) with a value of p=0.001, lower than 0.05. In addition, it was found that 44% of the students perceive having a low level of resilience, while 46% perceive a low level of family violence and 23% show a high perception of physical violence. In conclusion, there is a moderate correlation between resilience and family violence.
The purpose of the study was to analyze the connection between resilience and family violence in first, second and third grade students of an educational institution in Iquitos in 2023. The methodology used was quantitative correlational, non-experimental and cross-sectional design. A sample of 270 students from the aforementioned grades was selected, to whom two instruments were administered: the Barboza Resilience Scale (2017) to evaluate the independent variable (VI) and the Jesús Castro Banda and Livia Altamirano questionnaire, of Peruvian nationality, to evaluate the dependent variable (DV). The correlation was evaluated using Spearman's coefficient (Rho), revealing an Rho of 0.593 (moderate level) with a value of p=0.001, lower than 0.05. In addition, it was found that 44% of the students perceive having a low level of resilience, while 46% perceive a low level of family violence and 23% show a high perception of physical violence. In conclusion, there is a moderate correlation between resilience and family violence.
Resiliencia, Violencia psicológica y física, Resilience, Psychological and physical violence
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