Propuesta de diseño de un pavimento rígido para el mejoramiento de la transitabilidad vehicular y peatonal de la localidad de Leoncio Prado - Picota – San Martín
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Universidad Científica del Perú
En la actualidad, con el crecimiento acelerado de la demanda de vehículos tanto para fines comerciales, así como de transporte de pasajeros, los pobladores de la localidad de Leoncio Prado viven en un completo desorden por la falta de un proyecto de infraestructura vial urbana.
Para solucionar este problema se propone una alternativa de diseño de un pavimento rígido para el mejoramiento de la transitabilidad vehicular y peatonal de la localidad de Leoncio Prado, distrito de Shamboyacu – Picota – San Martín.
Para cumplir con los objetivos se realizó el levantamiento topográfico de la localidad mencionada, así como la exploración de campo y ensayos del laboratorio con fines de pavimentación, adicionalmente a esto se realizó el estudio de tráfico y el estudio hidrológico datos que son necesarios para el diseño de pavimento rígido.
La falta de pavimentación sigue siendo un problema que persiste en diferentes lugares. Si bien las autoridades de turno hacen lo posible para cubrir dichos problemas, el presupuesto asignado es deficiente y en consecuencia solo se puede cubrir mejoramientos; el problema se agudiza cuando no se prevé mantenimiento en las calles ya reparadas, ocasionando calles en malas condiciones e intransitables sobre todo al interior de los barrios.
La metodología empleada para este proyecto es AASHTO 93 que permitió realizar las revisiones por carga al centro de la losa, así como en las juntas longitudinales y transversales.
Este proyecto es una investigación no experimental de tipo transversal descriptiva porque consta de una sola variable con la cual se trabaja el desarrollo de este y la técnica es la observación y el instrumento de recolección de datos.
Por lo tanto, para determinar los volúmenes de movimiento de tierras a los perfiles longitudinales se le hace un corte de 0.20 para el concreto y 0.20 para el afirmado seleccionado, y finalmente se hace el metrado para determinar el presupuesto.
At present, with the accelerated growth of the demand for vehicles both for commercial purposes, as well as for passenger transport, the inhabitants of the town of Leoncio Prado live in complete disorder due to the lack of an urban road infrastructure project. To solve this problem, a design alternative for a rigid pavement is proposed to improve vehicular and pedestrian traffic in the town of Leoncio Prado, district of Shamboyacu - Picota - San Martín. To meet the objectives, the topographic survey of the mentioned location was carried out, as well as the field exploration and laboratory tests for paving purposes, in addition to this, the traffic study and the hydrological study of data that are necessary for the design were carried out. rigid pavement. The lack of paving continues to be a problem that persists in different places. Although the authorities on duty do their best to cover these problems, the budget assigned is deficient and consequently only improvements can be covered; The problem is exacerbated when maintenance is not foreseen in the streets that have already been repaired, causing streets in poor condition and impassable, especially in the interior of the neighborhoods. The methodology used for this project is AASHTO 93, which made it possible to carry out load reviews at the center of the slab, as well as at the longitudinal and transverse joints. This project is a descriptive cross-sectional non-experimental research because it consists of a single variable with which the development of the project is worked and the technique is observation and the data collection instrument. Therefore, to determine the volumes of earthwork to the longitudinal profiles, a cut of 0.20 is made for the concrete and 0.20 for the selected affirmation, and finally the metering is made to determine the budget.
At present, with the accelerated growth of the demand for vehicles both for commercial purposes, as well as for passenger transport, the inhabitants of the town of Leoncio Prado live in complete disorder due to the lack of an urban road infrastructure project. To solve this problem, a design alternative for a rigid pavement is proposed to improve vehicular and pedestrian traffic in the town of Leoncio Prado, district of Shamboyacu - Picota - San Martín. To meet the objectives, the topographic survey of the mentioned location was carried out, as well as the field exploration and laboratory tests for paving purposes, in addition to this, the traffic study and the hydrological study of data that are necessary for the design were carried out. rigid pavement. The lack of paving continues to be a problem that persists in different places. Although the authorities on duty do their best to cover these problems, the budget assigned is deficient and consequently only improvements can be covered; The problem is exacerbated when maintenance is not foreseen in the streets that have already been repaired, causing streets in poor condition and impassable, especially in the interior of the neighborhoods. The methodology used for this project is AASHTO 93, which made it possible to carry out load reviews at the center of the slab, as well as at the longitudinal and transverse joints. This project is a descriptive cross-sectional non-experimental research because it consists of a single variable with which the development of the project is worked and the technique is observation and the data collection instrument. Therefore, to determine the volumes of earthwork to the longitudinal profiles, a cut of 0.20 is made for the concrete and 0.20 for the selected affirmation, and finally the metering is made to determine the budget.
Pavimento rígido, Transitabilidad, Rigid pavement, Walkability
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