Juego simbolico en niños de 5 años- Colegio Cristiano Ecologista Kairos - Iquitos 2019
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El objetivo de esta indagación fue Determinar de qué manera se desarrolla el Juego Simbólico en niños de 5 años –Colegio Cristiano Ecologista Kairos – Iquitos 2019
La investigación fue de tipo descriptivo. El diseño general de la Investigación fue el no experimental y el diseño específico fue el descriptivo transversal.
La población estuvo conformada por los niños de 5 años- Colegio Cristiano Ecologista Kairos -, Iquitos 2019, que hacen un total de 30 alumnos.
La muestra la conformaron todos los niños de 5 años–Colegio Cristiano Ecologista Kairos – Iquitos 2019 que fueron un total de 20.
La selección de la muestra fue no aleatoria intencionada.
La técnica que se empleó fue la ficha de observación y el instrumento de fue el cuestionario.
Los resultados muestran que es regular el Juego Simbólico en niños de 5 años–Colegio Cristiano Ecologista Kairos – Iquitos 2019.
The objective of this investigation was to determine how Symbolic Play is developed in 5-year-old children - Kairos Ecologist Christian School - Iquitos 2019 The research was descriptive. The general design of the Research was non-experimental and the specific design was descriptive cross-sectional. The population was made up of 5-year-old children - Kairos Christian Ecologist School -, Iquitos 2019, making a total of 30 students. The sample was made up of all 5-year-old children - Kairos Ecologist Christian School - Iquitos 2019. There were a total of 20. The sample selection was intentional non-random. The technique used was the observation sheet and the instrument was the questionnaire. The results show that Symbolic Play is regular in 5-year-old children - Kairos Ecologist Christian School - Iquitos 2019.
The objective of this investigation was to determine how Symbolic Play is developed in 5-year-old children - Kairos Ecologist Christian School - Iquitos 2019 The research was descriptive. The general design of the Research was non-experimental and the specific design was descriptive cross-sectional. The population was made up of 5-year-old children - Kairos Christian Ecologist School -, Iquitos 2019, making a total of 30 students. The sample was made up of all 5-year-old children - Kairos Ecologist Christian School - Iquitos 2019. There were a total of 20. The sample selection was intentional non-random. The technique used was the observation sheet and the instrument was the questionnaire. The results show that Symbolic Play is regular in 5-year-old children - Kairos Ecologist Christian School - Iquitos 2019.
Juego, Simbólico, Game, Symbolic
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