Complicaciones materno perinatales de los trastornos hipertensivos del embarazo en el hospital regional de Loreto enero a junio 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Determinar la relación entre las complicaciones maternas perinatales y los
tipos de trastornos hipertensivos del embarazo en pacientes atendidas en
el Hospital Regional de Loreto de enero a junio 2021.
Estudio de investigación de tipo no experimental. El diseño descriptivo,
correlacional, corte transversal y retrospectivo.
La muestra conformada por 185 pacientes con diagnóstico de trastorno
En las características sociodemográficas se observa edades entre 20 a 34
años 62.7%, 65.4% nivel secundario, 85.9% convivientes, 50.8% de
procedencia urbana y 85.9% ama de casa. En las características
obstétricas, el 55.7% eran multíparas, 66.5% tenían entre 29 a 36 semanas
de gestación, 50.8% tuvieron entre menos de 6 y ninguna atención prenatal,
y 78.4% parto por cesárea. En los tipos de THE se observa 61.1% de
preeclampsia con criterios de severidad, 21.1% preeclampsia sin criterios
de severidad, 8.6% hipertensión gestacional, 7% de eclampsia y 2.2% de
hipertensión crónica más preeclampsia sobre agregada. El 37% de las
pacientes se complicaron durante el embarazo y post parto de las cuales
16.2% presentaron oligoamnios, 8.4 % y 8.1% DPP y síndrome de HELLP
respectivamente, hemorragia puerperal 3.2% y el 1.1 falleció a causa del
trastorno hipertensivo del embarazo. 73.5% de los neonatos se
complicaron, 32.5% prematuros, 11.8% SDR, 10.1% BPN, 8.1% RCIU y
depresión neonatal y el 3% fallecieron.
Conclusión. Existe relación significativa entre las complicaciones
maternas perinatales y los tipos de trastornos hipertensivos.
To determine the relationship between perinatal maternal complications and the types of hypertensive disorder of pregnancy in patients treated at the Regional Hospital of Loreto from January to June 2021. Methodology. Non-experimental research study. The descriptive, correlational, crosssectional and retrospective research design. The sample made up of 185 patients diagnosed with hypertensive disorder. Result In the sociodemographic characteristics, ages between 20 to 34 years are observed 62.7%, 65.4% secondary level, 85.9% cohabitants, 50.8% of urban origin and 85.9% housewife. In obstetric characteristics, 55.7% were multiparous, 66.5% had between 29 and 36 weeks of gestation, 50.8% had between less than 6 and no prenatal care, and 78.4% delivered by cesarean section. In the types of THE, 61.1% of preeclampsia with severity criteria is observed, 21.1% preeclampsia without severity criteria, 8.6% gestational hypertension, 7% eclampsia and 2.2% chronic hypertension plus added preeclampsia. 37% of the patients had complications during pregnancy and postpartum, of which 16.2% had oligohydramnios, 8.4% and 8.1% PPD and HELLP syndrome, respectively, 3.2% puerperal hemorrhage and 1.1 died due to the hypertensive disorder of pregnancy. 73.5% of the neonates had complications, 32.5% premature, 11.8% RDS, 10.1% LBW, 8.1% IUGR and neonatal depression, and 3% died. Conclusion. There is a significant relationship between perinatal maternal complications and the types of hypertensive disorders.
To determine the relationship between perinatal maternal complications and the types of hypertensive disorder of pregnancy in patients treated at the Regional Hospital of Loreto from January to June 2021. Methodology. Non-experimental research study. The descriptive, correlational, crosssectional and retrospective research design. The sample made up of 185 patients diagnosed with hypertensive disorder. Result In the sociodemographic characteristics, ages between 20 to 34 years are observed 62.7%, 65.4% secondary level, 85.9% cohabitants, 50.8% of urban origin and 85.9% housewife. In obstetric characteristics, 55.7% were multiparous, 66.5% had between 29 and 36 weeks of gestation, 50.8% had between less than 6 and no prenatal care, and 78.4% delivered by cesarean section. In the types of THE, 61.1% of preeclampsia with severity criteria is observed, 21.1% preeclampsia without severity criteria, 8.6% gestational hypertension, 7% eclampsia and 2.2% chronic hypertension plus added preeclampsia. 37% of the patients had complications during pregnancy and postpartum, of which 16.2% had oligohydramnios, 8.4% and 8.1% PPD and HELLP syndrome, respectively, 3.2% puerperal hemorrhage and 1.1 died due to the hypertensive disorder of pregnancy. 73.5% of the neonates had complications, 32.5% premature, 11.8% RDS, 10.1% LBW, 8.1% IUGR and neonatal depression, and 3% died. Conclusion. There is a significant relationship between perinatal maternal complications and the types of hypertensive disorders.
Trastornos hipertensivos del embarazo, Complicaciones maternas, Complicaciones perinatales, Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, Maternal complications, Perinatal complication
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