La tutela judicial efectiva de los daños Endo familiares y el resarcimiento de los daños y perjuicios en el distrito judicial de Loreto en el periodo 2018-2020
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La presente investigación partió del problema ¿Se encuentra regulado en el derecho peruano la Tutela Jurisdiccional efectiva derivado de daños endofamiliares? Y el objetivo fue: Explicar si se encuentra regulado en el derecho peruano la Tutela Jurisdiccional efectiva derivado de daños endofamiliares. La técnica que se empleó fue la encuesta y el instrumento fue el cuestionario. La población estuvo conformada por 70 abogados colegiados de la Provincia de Maynas. El diseño que se empleo fue no experimental de tipo transaccional correlacional. Para el análisis estadístico se usó la estadística descriptiva, para el estudio de las variables en forma independiente y para demostración de las hipótesis se usó la prueba paramétrica chi cuadrado (x2). Los resultados indicaron que: Se encuentra regulado tan solo en el caso de divorcio por separación de hecho, así como la indemnización por daño moral al cónyuge inocente.
The present investigation started from the problem: Is effective Jurisdictional Protection derived from endo-family damages regulated in Peruvian law? And the objective was: Explain if the effective Jurisdictional Guardianship derived from family damage is regulated in Peruvian law. The technique used was the survey and the instrument was the questionnaire. The population was made up of 70 registered lawyers from the Province of Maynas. The design that was used was non-experimental of a transactional correlational type. For the statistical analysis, descriptive statistic was used, for the study of the variables independently and for demonstration of the hypotheses, the chi square parametric test (X2) was used. The results indicated that: It is regulated only in the case of divorce due to de facto separation, as well as compensation for moral damage to the innocent spouse.
The present investigation started from the problem: Is effective Jurisdictional Protection derived from endo-family damages regulated in Peruvian law? And the objective was: Explain if the effective Jurisdictional Guardianship derived from family damage is regulated in Peruvian law. The technique used was the survey and the instrument was the questionnaire. The population was made up of 70 registered lawyers from the Province of Maynas. The design that was used was non-experimental of a transactional correlational type. For the statistical analysis, descriptive statistic was used, for the study of the variables independently and for demonstration of the hypotheses, the chi square parametric test (X2) was used. The results indicated that: It is regulated only in the case of divorce due to de facto separation, as well as compensation for moral damage to the innocent spouse.
Tutela jurisdiccional, Daños endofamiliares, Víctimas de violencia, Indemnización, Jurisdictional guardianship, Intrafamily damage, Victims of violence, Compensation
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