Cultura socioambiental en el manejo de residuos sólidos domiciliarios del aa.hh. 15 de marzo, distrito de punchana, maynas. 2024
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar la cultura socioambiental que
influyen en el manejo de los residuos sólidos domiciliarios en el AA. HH 15
de Marzo del distrito de Punchana, ya que se percibe un inadecuado manejo
de residuos sólidos municipales que inciden en la contaminación ambiental
debido al arrojo de residuos sólidos en la intemperie sin considerar el cuidado
de espacios públicos. Es el caso de los residuos sólidos domiciliarios, una
de las causas principales es la generación, la población no se preocupa del
destino que le espera y las consecuencias que conlleva al ambiente, a sus
componentes, y a la salud de la población. La metodología de investigación
utilizada fue de tipo descriptivo no experimental porque nos permitió
determinar cuál es la cultura socioambiental que influye el manejo de los
residuos sólidos domiciliarios, y es no experimental ya que identificamos la
situación existente de la localidad en estudio.
Como resultados relevantes mencionamos que del total de los encuestados
el 65% de la población manifiesta que la municipalidad es el responsable del
manejo de los residuos sólidos; el 25% que es de la sociedad civil y la
municipalidad; y el 10% que es responsabilidad de la sociedad civil. En
referencia a la participación en las campañas de limpieza de recolección de
residuos sólidos el 47% nunca participa; el 44% a veces participa; y el 9%
siempre participa.
En relación a la calificación de la población acerca del trabajo que realiza el
personal de recojo de los residuos sólidos en el AA. HH 15 de Marzo, se
tiene que el 55% lo califica como regular; el 28% como malo; y el 17% como
The objective of the research was to evaluate the socio-environmental culture that influences the management of household solid waste in the HH. SS 15 de Marzo in the district of Punchana, since inadequate management of municipal solid waste is perceived, which affects environmental pollution due to to the dumping of solid waste outdoors without considering the care of public spaces. This is the case of household solid waste, one of the main causes is generation, the population does not worry about the fate that awaits it and the consequences that it entails for the environment, its components, and the health of the population. This is the case of household solid waste, one of the main causes is generation, the population doesn’t worry about the fate that awaits it and the consequences that it entails for the environment, its components, and the health of the population. The research methodology used was descriptive, nonexperimental because it allowed us to determine the socio-environmental culture that influences the management of household solid waste, and it’s nonexperimental since we identified the existing situation of the locality under study. As relevant results, we mention that of the total number of respondents, 65% of the population states that the municipality is responsible for the management of solid waste; 25% that’s from civil society and the municipality; and the 10% that’s the responsibility of civil society. In reference to participation in solid waste collection cleaning campaigns, 47% never participate; 44% sometimes participate; and 9% always participate. In relation to the population's rating of the work carried out by the solid waste collection personnel at the HH. SS 15 de Marzo, 55% rate it as regular; 28% as bad; and 17% as good.
The objective of the research was to evaluate the socio-environmental culture that influences the management of household solid waste in the HH. SS 15 de Marzo in the district of Punchana, since inadequate management of municipal solid waste is perceived, which affects environmental pollution due to to the dumping of solid waste outdoors without considering the care of public spaces. This is the case of household solid waste, one of the main causes is generation, the population does not worry about the fate that awaits it and the consequences that it entails for the environment, its components, and the health of the population. This is the case of household solid waste, one of the main causes is generation, the population doesn’t worry about the fate that awaits it and the consequences that it entails for the environment, its components, and the health of the population. The research methodology used was descriptive, nonexperimental because it allowed us to determine the socio-environmental culture that influences the management of household solid waste, and it’s nonexperimental since we identified the existing situation of the locality under study. As relevant results, we mention that of the total number of respondents, 65% of the population states that the municipality is responsible for the management of solid waste; 25% that’s from civil society and the municipality; and the 10% that’s the responsibility of civil society. In reference to participation in solid waste collection cleaning campaigns, 47% never participate; 44% sometimes participate; and 9% always participate. In relation to the population's rating of the work carried out by the solid waste collection personnel at the HH. SS 15 de Marzo, 55% rate it as regular; 28% as bad; and 17% as good.
Cultura socioambiental, Manejo de residuos sólidos, Socio-environmental culture, solid waste management
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