Control previo como parte de la fase de devengado en el área contable de una institución publica, ciudad de Iquitos, periodo 2022
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La investigación tuvo como el objetivo determinar los lineamientos que mejoren los procesos de control previo para el reconocimiento del gasto y registro del devengado en el área contable de una entidad estatal en la ciudad de Iquitos, periodo 2022. La investigación fue de tipo descriptivo, correlacional, no experimental, con población y muestra de 30 colaboradores, y aplicó cuestionario. Se concluyo que existe correlación positiva media de 0.496 entre el control previo con el devengado, por otro lado el control previo influye como mejora en el reconocimiento del gasto en un 0.564; teniendo una correlación positiva media, referente a que si el control previo contribuye al registro del devengado en 0.198 existiendo una correlación positiva muy débil, respecto a la medición del conocimiento con el control previo en la fase de devengado dio como resultado 0.736 existiendo correlación positiva considerable, la estadística descriptiva mostro resultados importantes al respecto de la eficiencia en la realización del trabajo tiene una significancia porcentual del 56%; en la verificación de la documentación por el área de contabilidad 70% manifestó que si se realiza, en los requerimientos de la documentación por el área revisora 46% cumple siempre, el reconocimiento del compromiso de pago es del 39%,en la utilización del SIGA manifestaron que de acuerdo a las pautas y procedimientos se utiliza en un 46%.
The objective of the research was to determine the guidelines that improve the prior control processes for the recognition of expenses and registration of accruals in the accounting area of a state entity in the city of Iquitos, period 2022. The research was descriptive, correlational. , non-experimental, with a population and sample of 30 collaborators, and I applied a questionnaire. It was concluded that there is an average positive correlation of 0.496 between prior control and accrued control; on the other hand, prior control influences an improvement in the recognition of expenses by 0.564; having a medium positive correlation, referring to the fact that if the prior control contributes to the registration of the accrual in 0.198, there is a very weak positive correlation, with respect to the measurement of knowledge with the prior control in the accrual phase, it resulted in 0.736, with a considerable positive correlation. , the descriptive statistics showed important results regarding the efficiency in carrying out the work, it has a percentage significance of 56%; In the verification of the documentation by the accounting area, 70% stated that if it is carried out, in the documentation requirements by the reviewing area, 46% always comply, the recognition of the payment commitment is 39%, in the use of SIGA They stated that according to the guidelines and procedures it is used by 46%.
The objective of the research was to determine the guidelines that improve the prior control processes for the recognition of expenses and registration of accruals in the accounting area of a state entity in the city of Iquitos, period 2022. The research was descriptive, correlational. , non-experimental, with a population and sample of 30 collaborators, and I applied a questionnaire. It was concluded that there is an average positive correlation of 0.496 between prior control and accrued control; on the other hand, prior control influences an improvement in the recognition of expenses by 0.564; having a medium positive correlation, referring to the fact that if the prior control contributes to the registration of the accrual in 0.198, there is a very weak positive correlation, with respect to the measurement of knowledge with the prior control in the accrual phase, it resulted in 0.736, with a considerable positive correlation. , the descriptive statistics showed important results regarding the efficiency in carrying out the work, it has a percentage significance of 56%; In the verification of the documentation by the accounting area, 70% stated that if it is carried out, in the documentation requirements by the reviewing area, 46% always comply, the recognition of the payment commitment is 39%, in the use of SIGA They stated that according to the guidelines and procedures it is used by 46%.
Control previo - reconocimiento del gasto, Registro del devengado, Prior control - expense recognition, Accrual recording.
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