Plan de negocios servicio de seguridad y vigilancia privada, ciudad de Iquitos, 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El estudio de mercado muestra que existen varias necesidades
que satisfacer, constituyendo una demanda creciente en el aspecto
En el estudio técnico se señala una fuente de aprovisionamiento
en la misma ciudad de Iquitos. Los procesos contarán con equipos y
artefactos de última generación, para brindar un servicio de calidad.
En cuanto a los recursos humanos se ha construido una
organización de micro empresa, como SAC. de del sector micro empresa,
Cada miembro de la organización cuenta con funciones simples,
integradas en la primea etapa. La empresa se acogerá al régimen Mype
El estudio económico financiero arroja un valor actual neto
económico (VANE) de S/. 225,668 y un Valor actual neto financiero
(VANF) de S/. 241,880. La Tasa interna de retorno económica (TIRE) es
de 84% y la Tasa interna de retorno financiera (TIRF) es de 147%. El
índice beneficio costo económico es de S/.2.97 y el índice beneficio costo
financiero es de S/.6.41 lo que demuestra la viabilidad y rentabilidad del
The market study shows that there are several needs to satisfy, constituting a growing demand in the demographic aspect. In the technical study, a supply source is indicated in the same city of Iquitos. The processes will have state-of-the-art equipment and artifacts, to provide a quality service. Regarding human resources, a micro-enterprise organization has been built, such as SAC. Each member of the organization has simple functions, integrated in the first stage. The company will benefit from the Mype tax regime. The financial economic study shows a real net economic value (VANE) of S/. 225,668 and a Real Net Financial Value (VANF) of S/. 241,880. The Internal Rate of Economic Return (EIRR) is 84% and the Internal Rate of Financial Return (TIRF) is 147%. The economic cost benefit index is S/.2.97 and the financial cost benefit index is S/.6.41, which demonstrates the viability and profitability of the project.
The market study shows that there are several needs to satisfy, constituting a growing demand in the demographic aspect. In the technical study, a supply source is indicated in the same city of Iquitos. The processes will have state-of-the-art equipment and artifacts, to provide a quality service. Regarding human resources, a micro-enterprise organization has been built, such as SAC. Each member of the organization has simple functions, integrated in the first stage. The company will benefit from the Mype tax regime. The financial economic study shows a real net economic value (VANE) of S/. 225,668 and a Real Net Financial Value (VANF) of S/. 241,880. The Internal Rate of Economic Return (EIRR) is 84% and the Internal Rate of Financial Return (TIRF) is 147%. The economic cost benefit index is S/.2.97 and the financial cost benefit index is S/.6.41, which demonstrates the viability and profitability of the project.
Plan de negocios, Vigilancia, Seguridad, Turnos, Business plan, Surveillance, Security, Shifts
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