Relación entre complicaciones maternas y edad avanzada en gestantes atendidas en el hospital Iquitos César Garayar García de enero a julio 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Determinar la relación que existe entre las complicaciones maternas y las
gestantes de edad avanzada atendidas en el Hospital Iquitos César
Garayar García de enero a julio 2023.
Se planteó un estudio cuantitativo, de diseño correlacional, de corte
transversal y retrospectivo. La muestra constituida por 110 gestantes de ≥
a 35 años de edad.
En las características sociodemográficas se halló: edad de 35 a 39 años
77.3%, con grado de instrucción secundaria 68.2%, de procedencia urbano
75.5%, ocupación ama de casa 80.0% y de estado civil conviviente 82.7%.
En las características obstétricas se halló: multíparas 62.7%, con 6 a más
atenciones prenatales 57.3%, el 86.4% con edad gestacional de 37 a 40.6
semanas y el 64.5% con periodo intergenésico de 3 a 5 años. El 85% de
las gestantes de edad avanzada se complicaron durante el embarazo, de
ellas el 20% presentaron trastornos hipertensivos, el 18.1% anemia, el
15.4% infección urinaria y el 11.0% trabajo de parto disfuncional. Durante
el post parto el 18.1% de las gestantes se complicaron durante el post parto,
de ellas el 12.7% presentó desgarros y el 5.4% hemorragia post parto.
Se concluye que existe relación positiva entre la edad avanzada de la
madre y los trastornos hipertensivos con p valor = 0,000; trabajo de parto
disfuncional con p valor = 0,022; diabetes con p valor 0,001 y eclampsia
con p valor 0,029.
Determine the relationship between maternal complications and elderly pregnant women treated at the Iquitos César Garayar García Hospital from January to July 2023. Methodology. A quantitative study was proposed, with a correlational design, crosssectional and retrospective. The sample consisted of 110 pregnant women ≥ 35 years of age. Outcome. In the sociodemographic characteristics it was found: age from 35 to 39 years 77.3%, with secondary education level 68.2%, from urban origin 75.5%, occupation housewife 80.0% and marital status cohabiting 82.7%. In the obstetric characteristics it was found: multiparous 62.7%, with 6 or more prenatal care 57.3%, 86.4% with gestational age of 37 to 40.6 weeks and 64.5% with intergenic period of 3 to 5 years. 85% of elderly pregnant women had complications during pregnancy, of which 20% presented hypertensive disorders, 18.1% anemia, 15.4% urinary infection and 11.0% dysfunctional labor. During the postpartum period, 18.1% of pregnant women had postpartum complications, of which 12.7% presented tears and 5.4% had postpartum hemorrhage. Conclusion. It is concluded that there is a positive relationship between the advanced age of the mother and hypertensive disorders with p value = 0.000; dysfunctional labor with p value = 0.022; diabetes with p value 0.001 and eclampsia with p value 0.029.
Determine the relationship between maternal complications and elderly pregnant women treated at the Iquitos César Garayar García Hospital from January to July 2023. Methodology. A quantitative study was proposed, with a correlational design, crosssectional and retrospective. The sample consisted of 110 pregnant women ≥ 35 years of age. Outcome. In the sociodemographic characteristics it was found: age from 35 to 39 years 77.3%, with secondary education level 68.2%, from urban origin 75.5%, occupation housewife 80.0% and marital status cohabiting 82.7%. In the obstetric characteristics it was found: multiparous 62.7%, with 6 or more prenatal care 57.3%, 86.4% with gestational age of 37 to 40.6 weeks and 64.5% with intergenic period of 3 to 5 years. 85% of elderly pregnant women had complications during pregnancy, of which 20% presented hypertensive disorders, 18.1% anemia, 15.4% urinary infection and 11.0% dysfunctional labor. During the postpartum period, 18.1% of pregnant women had postpartum complications, of which 12.7% presented tears and 5.4% had postpartum hemorrhage. Conclusion. It is concluded that there is a positive relationship between the advanced age of the mother and hypertensive disorders with p value = 0.000; dysfunctional labor with p value = 0.022; diabetes with p value 0.001 and eclampsia with p value 0.029.
Edad avanzada, Complicaciones maternas, Advanced age, Maternal complications
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