Control de la cartera morosa y su incidencia en la liquidez de la financiera efectiva s.a, distrito de Tarapoto, provincia de san Martín, departamento de san Martín, periodo 2018
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La presente investigación tuvo como principal propósito determinar la incidencia del control de la cartera morosa en la liquidez de la Financiera Efectiva S.A, distrito de Tarapoto, provincia de San Martín, departamento de San Martín, en el periodo 2018, la metodología tuvo que construirse teniendo como base la investigación aplicada dentro de un diseño no experimental-correlacional. La muestra de estudio estuvo integrada por 25 trabajadores de la entidad Financiera Efectiva S.A., a quienes se les administró dos cuestionarios con sus respectivos ítems, los cuales abordan los aspectos de las variables, mediante la técnica de la encuesta, así como la información financiera (estados financieros del periodo 2017-18), mediante la técnica del análisis documental. Siendo los resultados más resaltantes se encuentra que 52% de los trabajadores catalogaron que se cuenta con control medio de la cartera morosa, del mismo modo, el 60% indicó que el nivel de liquidez es medio, a partir de ello se pudo concluir que el control de la cartera morosa incide en la liquidez de la Financiera Efectiva SA, distrito de Tarapoto, provincia de San Martín, departamento de San Martín, durante el periodo 2018, pues se tuvo un coeficiente de determinación (r2) de 0,432.
The main purpose of this research was to determine the incidence of control of the delinquent portfolio on the liquidity of Financiera Efectiva SA, district of Tarapoto, province of San Martín, department of San Martín, in the 2018 period, the methodology had to be built taking as a basis applied research within a nonexperimental-correlational design. The study sample was made up of 25 workers from the Financiera Efectiva SA entity, who were administered two questionnaires with their respective items, which address the aspects of the variables, using the survey technique, as well as the financial information ( financial statements for the period 2017-18), using the technique of documentary analysis. Being the most outstanding results, it is found that 52% of the workers classified that they have average control of the delinquent portfolio, in the same way, 60% indicated that the level of liquidity is medium, from this it could be concluded that the Control of the delinquent portfolio affects the liquidity of Financiera Efectiva SA, district of Tarapoto, province of San Martín, department of San Martín, during the 2018 period, as there was a determination coefficient (r2) of 0.432.
The main purpose of this research was to determine the incidence of control of the delinquent portfolio on the liquidity of Financiera Efectiva SA, district of Tarapoto, province of San Martín, department of San Martín, in the 2018 period, the methodology had to be built taking as a basis applied research within a nonexperimental-correlational design. The study sample was made up of 25 workers from the Financiera Efectiva SA entity, who were administered two questionnaires with their respective items, which address the aspects of the variables, using the survey technique, as well as the financial information ( financial statements for the period 2017-18), using the technique of documentary analysis. Being the most outstanding results, it is found that 52% of the workers classified that they have average control of the delinquent portfolio, in the same way, 60% indicated that the level of liquidity is medium, from this it could be concluded that the Control of the delinquent portfolio affects the liquidity of Financiera Efectiva SA, district of Tarapoto, province of San Martín, department of San Martín, during the 2018 period, as there was a determination coefficient (r2) of 0.432.
Control de la cartera morosa, Liquidez, Capital de trabajo, Razón circulante, Prueba ácida, Control of delinquent portfolio, Liquidity, Working capital, Current ratio, Acid test
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