Afectación al debido proceso en el nuevo codigo procesal constitucional, en los procesos contra resoluciones judiciales – Iquitos 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La presente investigación partió del problema ¿ El nuevo Código Procesal constitucional prevé que no se corra traslado de la demanda al demandado en caso sea un proceso contra resolución judicial? Y el objetivo fue: Explicar si el nuevo Código Procesal constitucional prevé que no se corra traslado de la demanda al demandado en caso sea un proceso contra resolución judicia. La técnica que se empleó fue la encuesta y el instrumento fue el cuestionario. La población estuvo conformada por Abogados del Colegio de Abogados de Loreto. El diseño que se empleo fue no experimental de tipo transaccional correlacional. Para el análisis estadístico se usó la estadística descriptiva, para el estudio de las variables en forma independiente y para demostración de las hipótesis se usó la prueba paramétrica chi cuadrado (x2). Los resultados indicaron que: El nuevo Código Procesal Constitucional en su segundo párrafo del artículo 5 prescribe que cuando se traten de procesos constitucionales contra resolución judicial no se notifica ni se emplaza con la demanda a los jueces o magistrados del Poder Judicial.
The present investigation started from the problem. Does the new Constitutional Code of Procedure foresee that the lawsuit is not transferred to the defendant in case it is a process against a judicial resolution? And the objective was: To explain if the new Constitutional Code of Procedure foresees that the lawsuit will not be transferred to the defendant in case it is a process against a judicial resolution. The technique used was the survey and the instrument was the questionnaire. The population was made up of Lawyers from the Loreto Bar Association. The design used was non-experimental transactional correlational type. For the statistical analysis, descriptive statistics were used, for the study of the variables independently and to demonstrate the hypotheses, the parametric chi-square test (x2) was used. The results indicated that: The new Constitutional Procedural Code in its second paragraph of article 5 prescribes that when dealing with constitutional processes against a judicial resolution, the judges or magistrates of the Judicial Power are not notified or summoned with the demand
The present investigation started from the problem. Does the new Constitutional Code of Procedure foresee that the lawsuit is not transferred to the defendant in case it is a process against a judicial resolution? And the objective was: To explain if the new Constitutional Code of Procedure foresees that the lawsuit will not be transferred to the defendant in case it is a process against a judicial resolution. The technique used was the survey and the instrument was the questionnaire. The population was made up of Lawyers from the Loreto Bar Association. The design used was non-experimental transactional correlational type. For the statistical analysis, descriptive statistics were used, for the study of the variables independently and to demonstrate the hypotheses, the parametric chi-square test (x2) was used. The results indicated that: The new Constitutional Procedural Code in its second paragraph of article 5 prescribes that when dealing with constitutional processes against a judicial resolution, the judges or magistrates of the Judicial Power are not notified or summoned with the demand
Debido proceso, Resoluciones judiciales, Nuevo Código Procesal Constitucional, Due process, Judicial resolutions, New Code of Constitutional Procedure
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