Tasa de interés en el mercado financiero de cajas municipales de ahorro y crédito, ciudad de Iquitos, año 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La tasa de interés en las Cajas Municipales es mucho mayor a la de cualquier otra entidad financiera, el factor más determinante es el riesgo crediticio, la atención de créditos a Micro empresarios hace que dicho factor sea aún más resaltante, por ende la tasa de interés activa es muy elevada para los usuarios. Las colocaciones, los depósitos y la tasa de interés influyen en el crecimiento y cumplimiento de los objetivos en las cajas municipales, puesto que la tasa de interés activa otorgado a los usuarios por las colocaciones de los créditos compense con la tasa de interés pasiva que se le otorga al cliente por su depósitos, generando un mayor nivel de ganancias a lo largo del periodo.
La subida de la tasa de interés causa un impacto negativo en las colocaciones de créditos en las micro y pequeñas empresas, informes realizados indican que a setiembre del 2023 las cajas municipales muestran menores niveles de rentabilidad a comparación del 2022, mostrando crecimiento en la cartera de alto riesgo que existen no solo en el país, sino también en la región Loreto donde se concentra un 8.45% de índice de morosidad por encima de Ucayali y Lima.
El incremento de las tasas de interés se traduce en un posible encarecimiento de los créditos que otorgan las instituciones financieras, afectando a las empresas que necesitan financiamiento para llevar adelante sus inversiones, por ende también afecta a los gobiernos municipales quienes recaudan parte de las utilidades para el financiamiento de los gastos públicos.
Al subir la tasa de referencia, la tasa de interés pasiva llegó a superar el 9% anual en los depósitos de plazo fijo, lo cual incrementa el costo de interés captado y la tendencia de que la tasa de interés activa siga subiendo es mucho más probable.
The interest rate in the Municipal Savings Banks is much higher than that of any other financial entity, the most determining factor is the credit risk, the attention of credits to Micro entrepreneurs makes this factor even more outstanding, therefore the interest rate active is very high for users. Loans, deposits and the interest rate influence the growth and fulfillment of objectives in municipal savings banks, since the active interest rate granted to users for loan placements compensates with the passive interest rate that is established. It is awarded to the client for their deposits, generating a higher level of profits throughout the period. The increase in the interest rate causes a negative impact on credit placements in micro and small businesses. Reports indicate that in September 2023, municipal savings banks show lower levels of profitability compared to 2022, showing growth in the loan portfolio. High risk that exists not only in the country, but also in the Loreto region where an 8.45% delinquency rate is concentrated above Ucayali and Lima. The increase in interest rates translates into a possible increase in the cost of loans granted by financial institutions, affecting companies that need financing to carry out their investments, therefore it also affects municipal governments who collect part of the profits for the financing of public expenses. By raising the reference rate, the passive interest rate exceeded 9% annually on fixed-term deposits, which increases the cost of interest captured and the tendency for the active interest rate to continue rising is much more likely.
The interest rate in the Municipal Savings Banks is much higher than that of any other financial entity, the most determining factor is the credit risk, the attention of credits to Micro entrepreneurs makes this factor even more outstanding, therefore the interest rate active is very high for users. Loans, deposits and the interest rate influence the growth and fulfillment of objectives in municipal savings banks, since the active interest rate granted to users for loan placements compensates with the passive interest rate that is established. It is awarded to the client for their deposits, generating a higher level of profits throughout the period. The increase in the interest rate causes a negative impact on credit placements in micro and small businesses. Reports indicate that in September 2023, municipal savings banks show lower levels of profitability compared to 2022, showing growth in the loan portfolio. High risk that exists not only in the country, but also in the Loreto region where an 8.45% delinquency rate is concentrated above Ucayali and Lima. The increase in interest rates translates into a possible increase in the cost of loans granted by financial institutions, affecting companies that need financing to carry out their investments, therefore it also affects municipal governments who collect part of the profits for the financing of public expenses. By raising the reference rate, the passive interest rate exceeded 9% annually on fixed-term deposits, which increases the cost of interest captured and the tendency for the active interest rate to continue rising is much more likely.
Tasa de interés, Riesgo crediticio, Gastos públicos, Interest rate, Credit risk, Public expenditures
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