Ejecución de obras públicas y su relación con la percepción de los pobladores de la calidad de la construcción en el distrito de Tarapoto, provincia de San Martín. 2019
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El objetivo general determinar la relación entre la ejecución de obras públicas y la percepción de calidad de la construcción de los pobladores. El tipo de estudio fue no experimental, de diseño correlacional, de corte transversal causal, y mediante un muestreo probabilístico una muestra de estudio de 150 pobladores del distrito. La técnica utilizada fue la encuesta, a través del cuestionario como instrumento de recolección de datos, que detalló los factores que inciden en las variables de estudio. En los resultados descriptivos, según la percepción de los pobladores encuestados se ubicó en la escala regular con un 52% el nivel de ejecución de obras públicas y 59% sobre la calidad de su construcción. Inferencialmente, se determinó que las dimensiones de la variable ejecución de obras públicas: función saneamiento (r=0,717) y la función recreación (r=0,750) representaron una correlación positiva considerable, a diferencia de la función transporte (r=0,638) que representó una correlación positiva moderada, y que influyen significativamente en la percepción de calidad de la construcción (0,000<0,05).
Se concluyó que existe relación significativa entre la ejecución de obras públicas y la percepción de calidad de la construcción; hallándose una sig. (0,000<0,05), obteniendo como resultado la correlación de Pearson (r=0,769) representado por una correlación positiva considerable entre las variables de estudio, el cual indica dependencia entre ellas.
The general objective to determine the relationship between the execution of public works and the perception of quality of construction by the residents. The type of study was non-experimental, of correlational design, of causal cross-section, and by means of a probabilistic sampling a study sample of 150 residents of the district. The technique used was the survey, using the questionnaire as a data collection instrument, which detailed the factors that affect the study variables. In the descriptive results, according to the perception of the inhabitants surveyed, the level of execution of public works was placed in the regular scale with 52% of the level of execution of public works and 59% of the quality of its construction. Inferentially, it was determined that the dimensions of the variable Execution of public works: Sanitation function (r=0.717) and the Recreation function (r=0.750) represented a considerable positive correlation, unlike the Transport function (r=0.638) which represented a moderate positive correlation, and which significantly influence the perception of construction quality (0.000 <0.05). In this sense, it was concluded that there is a significant relationship between the execution of public works and the perception of quality of construction of the inhabitants of the district; being a sig. (0.000 0< 0.05), obtaining as a result the Pearson correlation (r=0.769) represented by a considerable positive correlation between the study variables, which indicates dependence between them.
The general objective to determine the relationship between the execution of public works and the perception of quality of construction by the residents. The type of study was non-experimental, of correlational design, of causal cross-section, and by means of a probabilistic sampling a study sample of 150 residents of the district. The technique used was the survey, using the questionnaire as a data collection instrument, which detailed the factors that affect the study variables. In the descriptive results, according to the perception of the inhabitants surveyed, the level of execution of public works was placed in the regular scale with 52% of the level of execution of public works and 59% of the quality of its construction. Inferentially, it was determined that the dimensions of the variable Execution of public works: Sanitation function (r=0.717) and the Recreation function (r=0.750) represented a considerable positive correlation, unlike the Transport function (r=0.638) which represented a moderate positive correlation, and which significantly influence the perception of construction quality (0.000 <0.05). In this sense, it was concluded that there is a significant relationship between the execution of public works and the perception of quality of construction of the inhabitants of the district; being a sig. (0.000 0< 0.05), obtaining as a result the Pearson correlation (r=0.769) represented by a considerable positive correlation between the study variables, which indicates dependence between them.
Ejecución de obras públicas, Calidad de la construcción, Execution of public works, Quality of construction, Transport, Sanitation, Recreation, Transporte, Saneamiento, Recreación
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