Plan de negocios amazon biopack, Iquitos, 2020
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La investigación realizada para el presente proyecto se encuentra en el rubro de manufactura, la empresa Amazon Biopack Inversiones se dedicará a la elaboración y comercialización de bolsas de papel, elaborados con papel kraft.
El aprovisionamiento de los insumos y la materia prima se realizará en la ciudad de Lima, se ha determinado los principales proveedores como las empresas para el traslado de la materia prima.
El plan de recursos humanos se ha diseñado de acuerdo a la naturaleza de una micro empresa, con funciones integradas. La empresa se acogerá al régimen laboral especial. Los colaboradores recibirán todos los beneficios que otorga una Mype.
Los ratios financieros encontrados en el plan económico y financiero arrojan que el proyecto es rentable; el Valor actual neto económico (VAN) de S/. 73,721 y el Valor actual neto financiero de S/. 154,518. La Tasa interna de retorno económica (TIR) es de 122% y la Tasa interna de retorno financiera es de 535%. El índice beneficio costo económico es de S/.2.4 y el índice beneficio costo financiero es de S/.58.73.
The research carried out for this project is in the manufacturing area, the Amazon Biopack Investment company will be dedicated to the development and marketing of paper bags, made with kraft paper. The supply of inputs and raw material will be carried out in the city of Lima, the main suppliers have been determined as the companies for the transfer of raw material. The human resource plan has been designed according to the nature of a micro company, with integrated functions. The company will benefit from the special labor regime. Collaborators will receive all the benefits that a Mype grants. The financial ratios found in the economic and financial plan show that the project is profitable; the Economic Net Present Value (NPV) of S /. 73,721 and the Net Financial Present Value of S /. 154.518. The economic internal rate of return (IRR) is 122% and the financial internal rate of return is 535%. The economic cost benefit index is S / .2.4 and the financial cost benefit index is S / 58.73.
The research carried out for this project is in the manufacturing area, the Amazon Biopack Investment company will be dedicated to the development and marketing of paper bags, made with kraft paper. The supply of inputs and raw material will be carried out in the city of Lima, the main suppliers have been determined as the companies for the transfer of raw material. The human resource plan has been designed according to the nature of a micro company, with integrated functions. The company will benefit from the special labor regime. Collaborators will receive all the benefits that a Mype grants. The financial ratios found in the economic and financial plan show that the project is profitable; the Economic Net Present Value (NPV) of S /. 73,721 and the Net Financial Present Value of S /. 154.518. The economic internal rate of return (IRR) is 122% and the financial internal rate of return is 535%. The economic cost benefit index is S / .2.4 and the financial cost benefit index is S / 58.73.
Plan de negocios, Bolsas de papel, Biodegradable, Business plan, Paper bags, Biodegradable
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