Análisis de inversiones públicas, financiamiento y destino, en el hospital regional de Loreto, ciudad de Iquitos, periodo 2017 - 2019
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Universidad Cientìfica del Perù
El objetivo de la investigación fue estudiar el comportamiento de la
inversión pública de una institución pública del sector salud. La metodología
fue de revisión histórica de información que presenta el Ministerio de
Economía y Finanzas del país para los años seleccionados.
Los resultados señalan mayor interés en el sector salud, con una
participación creciente respecto al presupuesto total del país, 10.02% en el
año 2017 y 11.08% en el año 2019. Ocurre mayor descentralización del
presupuesto en los gobiernos regionales, 48.68% en el año 2017 y 52.01%
en el año 2019. Caso contrario ocurre con la Región Loreto, ha reducido su
participación respecto al total de los Gobiernos Regionales, 5.35% en el
año 2017 y 4.98% en el 2019. Tiene alto grado de eficiencia, todo el PIM
es comprometido y devengado. En destino del gasto, el Hospital Regional
de Loreto concentra su presupuesto en recursos humanos y bienes y
servicios. Para los activos no financieros, como equipos, es reducida, entre
7% y 4%, y tendencia decreciente a medida que transcurren los años.
Existe alto grado de eficiencia, todo el PIM es comprometido y devengado.
La principal fuente de financiamiento de estos activos son recursos
ordinarios, 95.86% en el 2018.
The objective of the research was to study the behavior of public investment of a public institution in the health sector. The methodology was a historical review of information presented by the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the country for the selected years. The results indicate greater interest in the health sector, with a growing participation with respect to the total budget of the country, 10.02% in 2017 and 11.08% in 2019. There is greater decentralization of the budget in regional governments, 48.68% in 2017 and 52.01% in 2019. The opposite happens with the Loreto region, it has reduced its participation with respect to the total of regional governments, 5.35% in 2017 and 4.98% in 2019. In the destination of expenditure, the Hospital Regional de Loreto concentrates its budget on human resources and goods and services. For non-financial assets, such as equipment, it is small, between 7% and 4%, and a decreasing trend as the years go by. There is a high degree of efficiency, almost all PIM is committed and earned. The main source of financing for these assets are regular resources, 95.86% in 2018.
The objective of the research was to study the behavior of public investment of a public institution in the health sector. The methodology was a historical review of information presented by the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the country for the selected years. The results indicate greater interest in the health sector, with a growing participation with respect to the total budget of the country, 10.02% in 2017 and 11.08% in 2019. There is greater decentralization of the budget in regional governments, 48.68% in 2017 and 52.01% in 2019. The opposite happens with the Loreto region, it has reduced its participation with respect to the total of regional governments, 5.35% in 2017 and 4.98% in 2019. In the destination of expenditure, the Hospital Regional de Loreto concentrates its budget on human resources and goods and services. For non-financial assets, such as equipment, it is small, between 7% and 4%, and a decreasing trend as the years go by. There is a high degree of efficiency, almost all PIM is committed and earned. The main source of financing for these assets are regular resources, 95.86% in 2018.
Inversión en activo nos financieros, Región Loreto, Hospital, Investment in financial assets, Loreto region, Hospital
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