Estudio de mercado de una cancha deportiva de césped sintético en Iquitos, año 2022
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la oferta y la demanda en el negocio de las canchas deportivas. La metodología fue de diseño descriptiva, transversal y no experimental. La población y muestra estuvo conformada por 384 usuarios, a quienes aplicó encuesta, en 5 de estas canchas deportivas, localizadas en diversos sectores de la ciudad.
Se concluye que, existen 19 canchas en la ciudad, de las cuales 5 canchas cumplen con las normas establecidas; además, cuentan con servicios adicionales, restaurante, bar, estacionamiento, duchas, vestuarioy otros, con horario de atención 7 am hasta la medianoche, incluyendo sábados y domingos. El precio del alquiler por cancha es 80 soles en todos los establecimientos, no existe promoción ni rebajas, conocidas como tarifa plana.
Existe alta demanda en el negocio, el 49% de los usuarios, prefieren acudir a estos lugares por las noches; el 36.7% prefiere acudir los fines de semana por las mañanas, por los compromisos laborales. El 87.7% sostiene que está conforme con los servicios, y el 40.4% que se debería reducir los precios del alquiler, debido a que consideran que 80 soles es elevado.
The objective of the investigation was to determine the supply and demand in the business of sports fields. The methodology was descriptive, crosssectional and non-experimental design. The population and sample consisted of 384 users, to whom a survey was applied in 5 of these sports fields located in various sectors of the city. It is concluded that there are 19 courts in the city, of which 5 courts meet the established standards; In addition, they have additional services, restaurant, bar, parking, showers, changing room and others, with opening hours from 7 am to midnight, including Saturdays and Sundays. The rental price per field is 80 soles in all establishments, there are no promotions or discounts, known as flat rates. There is high demand in the business, 49% of users prefer to go to these places at night; 36.7% prefer to go on weekends in the morning, due to work commitments. 87.7% maintain that they are satisfied with the services, and 40.4% that the rental prices should be reduced, because they consider that 80 soles is high.
The objective of the investigation was to determine the supply and demand in the business of sports fields. The methodology was descriptive, crosssectional and non-experimental design. The population and sample consisted of 384 users, to whom a survey was applied in 5 of these sports fields located in various sectors of the city. It is concluded that there are 19 courts in the city, of which 5 courts meet the established standards; In addition, they have additional services, restaurant, bar, parking, showers, changing room and others, with opening hours from 7 am to midnight, including Saturdays and Sundays. The rental price per field is 80 soles in all establishments, there are no promotions or discounts, known as flat rates. There is high demand in the business, 49% of users prefer to go to these places at night; 36.7% prefer to go on weekends in the morning, due to work commitments. 87.7% maintain that they are satisfied with the services, and 40.4% that the rental prices should be reduced, because they consider that 80 soles is high.
Estudio de mercado, Canchas deportivas, Iquitos, Deporte, Market study, Sports fields, Iquitos, Sport
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