Aplicación de un plan estratégico para mejorar la gestión de la municipalidad provincial de maynas de Loreto 2013
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La filosofía del planeamiento estratégico en el sector público en nuestro país
en general está en proceso de evolución y perfeccionamiento, ya que termina
enfrentándose a uno de los mayores problemas como es el de la aplicación, y
fundamentalmente a nuestra idiosincrasia.
En muchas instituciones del sector público, sea este de jerarquía nacional,
regional o provincial distrital se han elaborado muchos planes estratégicos
para los diferentes niveles de gobierno. El problema es que la mayoría de ellos
se han formulado con el único propósito y solo para cumplir con las normas.
En el presente trabajo de investigación desarrollado para optar el título
profesional dentro del programa de actualización pretende que el área de
rentas una de las áreas más importantes, sepa hasta cuanto conoce su
personal o tiene entendimiento de lo que es la visión, misión y objetivos de su
entorno. Son varias las instituciones en las que el personal no tiene ni la
mínima idea de lo que es esto, ya que se han acostumbrado a trabajar sin
metas, esperando que cada mes el gobierno realice las transferencias
presupuestales correspondientes, y en la Municipalidad que gozan de Canon
En la coyuntura actual, el papel del conocimiento en las organizaciones ha
cambiado debido a los nuevos miembros vinculados, asociados a la sociedad
de la información y la nueva economía basada en el conocimiento.
El resultado de este trabajo de investigación es señalar los problemas con
que se enfrenta el área de rentas de la Municipalidad Provincial de Maynas
de la Región Loreto durante el periodo 2013.
The philosophy of strategic planning in the public sector in our country in general is in the process of evolution and improvement, since it ends up facing one of the biggest problems such as application, and fundamentally our idiosyncrasy. In many public sector institutions, whether of national, regional or provincialdistrict hierarchy, many strategic plans have been developed for the different levels of government. The problem is that most of them have been formulated for the sole purpose and only to comply with the regulations. In this research work developed to obtain the professional title within the updating program, the aim is for the income area, one of the most important areas, to know how much its staff knows or has an understanding of what the vision, mission and objectives of their surroundings. There are several institutions in which the staff does not have the slightest idea of what this is, since they have become accustomed to working without goals, expecting that each month the government will make the corresponding budget transfers, and in the Municipality they enjoy Canon too. In the current situation, the role of knowledge in organizations has changed due to the new linked members, associated with the information society and the new knowledge-based economy. The result of this research work is to point out the problems faced by the income area of the Provincial Municipality of Maynas of the Loreto Region during the period 2013.
The philosophy of strategic planning in the public sector in our country in general is in the process of evolution and improvement, since it ends up facing one of the biggest problems such as application, and fundamentally our idiosyncrasy. In many public sector institutions, whether of national, regional or provincialdistrict hierarchy, many strategic plans have been developed for the different levels of government. The problem is that most of them have been formulated for the sole purpose and only to comply with the regulations. In this research work developed to obtain the professional title within the updating program, the aim is for the income area, one of the most important areas, to know how much its staff knows or has an understanding of what the vision, mission and objectives of their surroundings. There are several institutions in which the staff does not have the slightest idea of what this is, since they have become accustomed to working without goals, expecting that each month the government will make the corresponding budget transfers, and in the Municipality they enjoy Canon too. In the current situation, the role of knowledge in organizations has changed due to the new linked members, associated with the information society and the new knowledge-based economy. The result of this research work is to point out the problems faced by the income area of the Provincial Municipality of Maynas of the Loreto Region during the period 2013.
Plan estratégico, Metas, Objetivos, Strategic plan, Goals, Objectives
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