Las medidas de protección como garantía de los derechos humanos de las víctimas de violencia de género en el segundo juzgado de familia de la corte superior de justicia de Loreto, 2018
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El objetivo fue determinar la eficacia de las medidas de protección para garantizar la protección de los derechos humanos de las víctimas de violencia de género en los casos denunciados ante el Segundo Juzgado de Familia de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Loreto, 2018
La metodología fue de tipo retrospectivo; el diseño es correlacional, y transversal porque los datos se recolectaron en un momento; la población de 795 personas agraviadas y que presentaron denuncia, y una muestra de 259 de ellas.
La mayor violencia ocurrida es la sexual, 60.23%. Estos hechos ocurren de modo simultáneo, con el 53.37% ocurren dos juntos, la violencia física va acompañada de la violencia psicológica. El 66.06% señala que su denuncia ocurrió después de recibir algunos o muchos actos de violencia. Más de la mitad de los denunciados consideran que su proceso judicial fue demasiado lento, 9.65%, y lento, 43.24%. Un alto porcentaje, el 43.08%, señala que no tiene ningún conocimiento de las medidas de protección. Más de la mitad de las mujeres el 52.90%, señala que las medidas de protección son insuficientes. Estas medidas de protección tienen bajo impacto en la disminución de actos de violencia.
The objective was to determine the effectiveness of the protection measures to guarantee the protection of the human rights of the victims of gender violence in the cases reported before the Second Family Court of the Superior Court of Justice of Loreto, 2018 The methodology was retrospective; the design is correlational, and cross-sectional because the data were collected in a moment; the population of 795 aggrieved people who filed a complaint, and a sample of 259 of them. The greatest violence that occurred is sexual, 60.23%. These events occur two simultaneously 53.37%, physical violence is accompanied by psychological violence, 66.06% indicate that their complaint occurred after receiving some or many acts of violence. More than half of the denounced consider that their judicial process was too slow, 9.65%, slow, 43.24%. A high percentage, 43.08%, indicate that they do not have any knowledge of the protection measures. More than half of the women, 52.90%, point out that the protection measures are insufficient. These protection measures have a low impact on reducing acts of violence.
The objective was to determine the effectiveness of the protection measures to guarantee the protection of the human rights of the victims of gender violence in the cases reported before the Second Family Court of the Superior Court of Justice of Loreto, 2018 The methodology was retrospective; the design is correlational, and cross-sectional because the data were collected in a moment; the population of 795 aggrieved people who filed a complaint, and a sample of 259 of them. The greatest violence that occurred is sexual, 60.23%. These events occur two simultaneously 53.37%, physical violence is accompanied by psychological violence, 66.06% indicate that their complaint occurred after receiving some or many acts of violence. More than half of the denounced consider that their judicial process was too slow, 9.65%, slow, 43.24%. A high percentage, 43.08%, indicate that they do not have any knowledge of the protection measures. More than half of the women, 52.90%, point out that the protection measures are insufficient. These protection measures have a low impact on reducing acts of violence.
Violencia, Violencia doméstica, Violencia familiar, Violencia sexual, Violencia de género, Violence, Domestic violence, Family violence, Sexual violence, Gender violence
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