Comunicación asertiva y relaciones interpersonales en docentes de primaria de la Institución Educativa M.O.R.B. – Iquitos, 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La investigación tuvo como objetivo: Determinar el grado de relación entre la comunicación asertiva y relaciones interpersonales en docentes de primaria de la Institución Educativa M.O.R.B de la ciudad de Iquitos durante el año 2021.
La investigación fue de tipo correlacional de diseño no experimental de tipo transaccional correlacional.
La población estuvo conformada por 36 docentes de primaria de la Institución Educativa Mariscal Oscar R. Benavides de Iquitos y la muestra la conformo el 100% de la población; es decir los 36 docentes.
La selección de la muestra fue no aleatoria intencionada.
La técnica de recolección de datos para ambas variables fue la encuesta y el instrumento fue el cuestionario.
Para el análisis de la información se empleó la estadística descriptiva para el estudio de las variables en forma independiente y la estadística inferencial no paramétrica chi cuadrada (X2) para la demostración de la hipótesis.
Los resultados demostraron que X2c = 10.07 ˃X2t = 5, 191, gl =2, p˂0.05% y el coeficiente de relación fue r = 45% con lo que se aceptó la hipótesis de investigación: La comunicación asertiva se relaciona en grado medio con las relaciones interpersonales en docentes de primaria de la Institución Educativa M.O.R.B de la ciudad de Iquitos durante el año 2021.
The research aims to: Determine the degree of relationship between assertive communication and interpersonal relationship in primary school teachers of the M.O.R.B Educational Institution in the city of Iquitos during the year 2021 The research ws of a correlational type of non-experimental design of a transactional correlational type The population will be made up of 36 primary school teachers from the Educational Institution Mariscal Oscar R. Benavides de Iquitos and the simple was made up of 100 of the population, that is,the 36 teachers Sample selection was intentional non – random The data collection technique for both variables was the survey and the instrument was the questionnaire Descriptive statistics were used for the analysis of the informationfor the study of the variables independently and the non- parametric chi- square (X2) inferential statistics for the hypothesis demonstration The results showed that X2c = 10.07 ˃X2t = 5, 191, gl =2, p˂0.05% and the relationship coeffficient was r = 45% what the research hypothesis was accepted with: Assertive communication is related to a médium degree with interpersonal relationships in primary school teachers of the M.O.R.B Educational Institution of the city off Iquitos during the year 2021
The research aims to: Determine the degree of relationship between assertive communication and interpersonal relationship in primary school teachers of the M.O.R.B Educational Institution in the city of Iquitos during the year 2021 The research ws of a correlational type of non-experimental design of a transactional correlational type The population will be made up of 36 primary school teachers from the Educational Institution Mariscal Oscar R. Benavides de Iquitos and the simple was made up of 100 of the population, that is,the 36 teachers Sample selection was intentional non – random The data collection technique for both variables was the survey and the instrument was the questionnaire Descriptive statistics were used for the analysis of the informationfor the study of the variables independently and the non- parametric chi- square (X2) inferential statistics for the hypothesis demonstration The results showed that X2c = 10.07 ˃X2t = 5, 191, gl =2, p˂0.05% and the relationship coeffficient was r = 45% what the research hypothesis was accepted with: Assertive communication is related to a médium degree with interpersonal relationships in primary school teachers of the M.O.R.B Educational Institution of the city off Iquitos during the year 2021
Comunicación, Asertividad, Relaciones interpersonales, Communication, Assertiveness, Interpersonal Relationships
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