La tilde ortográfica en palabras -alumnos del tercer grado de primaria de la institución educativa liceo naval Iquitos 2013
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La investigación tuvo como objetivo general evaluar la situación en que se encuentra el uso de la tilde ortográfica en palabras en los alumnos del tercer grado de primaria de la Institución Educativa Liceo Naval- Iquitos 2013.
El tipo de investigación fue Descriptiva, el diseño de investigación fue No experimental de
Tipo Transversal descriptivo.
La población estuvo conformada por un total de 33 alumnos de la Institución Educativa
"Liceo Naval" - Iquitos y la muestra estuvo conformada por un total de 17 alumnos de la
Sección del tercer grado "A" de primaria.
La técnica que se empleó fue la. Encuesta y el instrumento fue el Cuestionario.
Con estos resultados quedó demostrado la hipótesis general: El uso de la tilde ortográfica
En las palabras se encuentra deficiente en los alumnos del tercer grado de primaria de la
Institución Educativa Liceo Naval de Iquitos en el año 2013.
The research had as a general objective to evaluate the situation in which the use of the orthographic accent in words is found in the students of the third grade of primary school of the Educational Institution Liceo Naval - Iquitos 2013. The type of research was Descriptive, the research design was Non-experimental of Descriptive Cross-sectional Type. The population was made up of a total of 33 students of the Educational Institution "Liceo Naval" - Iquitos and the sample was made up of a total of 17 students of the Section of the third grade "A" of primary school. The technique that was used was the Survey and the instrument was the Questionnaire. With these results the general hypothesis was demonstrated: The use of the orthographic accent In the words is deficient in the students of the third grade of primary school of the Educational Institution Liceo Naval of Iquitos in the year 2013.
The research had as a general objective to evaluate the situation in which the use of the orthographic accent in words is found in the students of the third grade of primary school of the Educational Institution Liceo Naval - Iquitos 2013. The type of research was Descriptive, the research design was Non-experimental of Descriptive Cross-sectional Type. The population was made up of a total of 33 students of the Educational Institution "Liceo Naval" - Iquitos and the sample was made up of a total of 17 students of the Section of the third grade "A" of primary school. The technique that was used was the Survey and the instrument was the Questionnaire. With these results the general hypothesis was demonstrated: The use of the orthographic accent In the words is deficient in the students of the third grade of primary school of the Educational Institution Liceo Naval of Iquitos in the year 2013.
Tilde, Ortografico, Accent mark, Orthographic
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