Factores maternos que influyen en recién nacidos con bajo peso en gestantes adolescentes atendidas en el hospital III EsSalud, Iquitos año 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Según la OMS el embarazo en adolescentes es un problema de salud
pública a predominio de los países en vías de desarrollo, por las
consecuencias de morbilidad y mortalidad de la madre e hijo, con una
prevalencia en promedio representa del 15 al 25% de los embarazos a
nivel mundial.
Determinar los factores maternos que influyen en el recién nacido con
bajo peso en gestantes adolescentes atendidas en el Hospital III Iquitos
de ESSALUD, año 2021.
El tipo de investigación fue de tipo No experimental, cuantitativo
retrospectivo, de corte trasversal, de diseño analítico, su población estuvo
conformada por 113 partos de las cuales 50 fueron con bajo peso.
De un total de 50 pacientes atendidas, se encontró mayor predominio en
la edad de 16 años a más (48%), seguido del tipo de parto por cesárea
(52%), predominando de 4 a 6 controles prenatales (44%), asimismo el
100% tuvo recién nacidos con un peso por debajo de los 2500 gramos y
el 70% tuvo un IMC pregestacional normal.
Entre las principales morbilidades maternas de las gestantes adolescente
con recién nacidos de bajo peso fueron; infecciones (48%), Hipertensión
arterial (30%), cáncer (2%), VIH/SIDA (2%) y obesidad (2%).
According to the WHO, adolescent pregnancy is a public health problem predominantly in developing countries, due to the consequences of morbidity and mortality of the mother and child, with an average prevalence of 15 to 25% of pregnancies. Worldwide. Objective To determine the maternal factors that influence the newborn with low birth weight in pregnant adolescents treated at Hospital III Iquitos of ESSALUD, year 2021. Methodology The type of research was non-experimental, retrospective quantitative, cross-sectional, analytical design, its population consisted of 113 deliveries, of which 50 were underweight. Results Of a total of 50 patients attended, a greater predominance was found in the age of 16 years or more (48%), followed by the type of cesarean delivery (52%), predominating from 4 to 6 prenatal controls (44%), also 100% had newborns weighing less than 2500 grams and 70% had a normal pre-pregnancy BMI. Conclusion Among the main maternal morbidities of adolescent pregnant women with low birth weight newborns were; infections (48%), high blood pressure (30%), cancer (2%), HIV/AIDS (2%) and obesity (2%).
According to the WHO, adolescent pregnancy is a public health problem predominantly in developing countries, due to the consequences of morbidity and mortality of the mother and child, with an average prevalence of 15 to 25% of pregnancies. Worldwide. Objective To determine the maternal factors that influence the newborn with low birth weight in pregnant adolescents treated at Hospital III Iquitos of ESSALUD, year 2021. Methodology The type of research was non-experimental, retrospective quantitative, cross-sectional, analytical design, its population consisted of 113 deliveries, of which 50 were underweight. Results Of a total of 50 patients attended, a greater predominance was found in the age of 16 years or more (48%), followed by the type of cesarean delivery (52%), predominating from 4 to 6 prenatal controls (44%), also 100% had newborns weighing less than 2500 grams and 70% had a normal pre-pregnancy BMI. Conclusion Among the main maternal morbidities of adolescent pregnant women with low birth weight newborns were; infections (48%), high blood pressure (30%), cancer (2%), HIV/AIDS (2%) and obesity (2%).
Factores Maternos, Bajo peso, Gestantes Adolescentes, Maternal factors, Low weight, Pregnant adolescents
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