Diseño de un colegio de alto rendimiento (COAR) en el distrito de san juan bautista – provincia maynas – región Loreto
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Elaboramos una propuesta que consiste en el diseño de un Colegio de Alto
Rendimiento para la región Loreto, en el Distrito de San Juan, Provincia de Maynas,
para que los estudiantes de alto desempeño de los colegios estatales a nivel
Metropolitano encuentren un espacio que le permita potenciar sus habilidades. Para
lograr dicho propósito se hizo la elección del terreno a través del PDU de Maynas, en
el cual figuran los proyectos a futuro que se realzaran en la ciudad de Iquitos. En dicha
documentación se encuentran puntos establecidos los cuales son aptos para
equipamientos de educación. Al finalizar el proyecto se obtuvo como resultado el
adecuado diseño de una infraestructura para el colegio de alto rendimiento. Logrando
una adecuada infraestructura, los estudiantes pueden desempeñar sus habilidades al
máximo ya que cuentan con todos los usos necesarios como pabellón de aulas,
biblioteca, auditorio, área administrativa, área de habitaciones para los estudiantes,
canchas deportivas, áreas verdes para la recreación, comedor, etc
We prepared a proposal that consists of the design of a High Performance School for the Loreto region, in the San Juan District, Maynas Province, so that high performance students from state schools at the Metropolitan level find a space that allows them enhance your skills. To achieve this purpose, the choice of land was made through the Maynas PDU, which includes future projects to be carried out in the city of Iquitos. In said documentation there are established points which are suitable for educational equipment. At the end of the project, the adequate design of an infrastructure for the high-performance school was obtained. By achieving an adequate infrastructure, students can perform their skills to the maximum since they have all the necessary uses such as a classroom pavilion, library, auditorium, administrative area, student room area, sports fields, green areas for recreation, dining room , etc Palabras claves:
We prepared a proposal that consists of the design of a High Performance School for the Loreto region, in the San Juan District, Maynas Province, so that high performance students from state schools at the Metropolitan level find a space that allows them enhance your skills. To achieve this purpose, the choice of land was made through the Maynas PDU, which includes future projects to be carried out in the city of Iquitos. In said documentation there are established points which are suitable for educational equipment. At the end of the project, the adequate design of an infrastructure for the high-performance school was obtained. By achieving an adequate infrastructure, students can perform their skills to the maximum since they have all the necessary uses such as a classroom pavilion, library, auditorium, administrative area, student room area, sports fields, green areas for recreation, dining room , etc Palabras claves:
Propuesta de Diseño, COAR, Design proposal, COAR
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