Factores asociados a sufrimiento fetal agudo en gestantes adolescentes atendidas en el hospital III Iquitos - EsSalud 2018 - 2019
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Introducción: El embarazo en adolescente es un problema de salud
pública por su alta tasa de complicaciones maternas y perinatales, una de
ellas es el SFA que aumenta la morbilidad y mortalidad del recién nacido.
Objetivo: Determinar los factores asociados a sufrimiento fetal agudo en
las gestantes adolescentes atendidas en el Hospital III Iquitos – EsSALUD,
2018 – 2019.
Material y métodos: El estudio es de tipo cuantitativo, de diseño es
descriptivo, transversal, retrospectivo de Caso control, con 36 casos y 72
controles, determinando las características sociodemográficas, obstétricas
y morbilidad durante el embarazo que se asocian a SFA
Resultados: La procedencia urbana es un factor protectivo significativo
para la presencia de SFA durante el parto (OR=0.417, p=0.040). Las
gestantes adolescentes con edad gestacional < 37 semanas (45.9%,
OR=2.32, p=0.044); con bajo peso pregestacional (53.8%, OR=2.88,
p=0.021), con una ganancia de peso no adecuado (48.3%, OR=2.42,
p=0.045), con menos de 6 APN (42.6%, OR=2.74, p=0.019) se asociaron
significativamente con mayor riesgo para presentar SFA durante el trabajo
de parto.
La anemia (48.4%, OR=2.49, p)0.030), hipertensión inducida por el
embarazo (60.0%, OR=3.66, p=0.018), preeclampsia (66.7%, OR=4.60,
p=0.026) y oligohidramnios (63.6%, OR=4.10, p=0.024)
Conclusión: Las gestantes adolescentes presentan características
sociodemográficas, obstétricas y morbilidad que se asocian a la presencia
de sufrimiento fetal agudo.
Teen pregnancy is a public health problem due to its high rate of maternal and perinatal complications, one of which is the SFA that increases newborn morbidity-mortality. Objective: To determine the factors associated with acute fetal suffering in adolescent pregnant women attended at Hospital III Iquitos – EsSALUD, 2018 – 2019. Maherial Mand methods: The study is quantitative, design is descriptive, transversal, retrospective of Case control, with 36 cases and 72 controls, which compares sociodemographic, obstetric characteristics and morbidity during pregnancy that are associated with SFA Results: Urban origin is a significant protective factor for the presence of SFA during childbirth (OR-0.417, p-0.040). Adolescent pregnant women with gestational age < 37 weeks (45.9%, OR-2.32, p-0.044); with low pregestational weight (53.8%, OR-2.88, p-0.021), with an uns suitable weight gain (48.3%, OR-2.42, p-0.045), with less than 6 APNs (42.6%, OR- 2.74, p-0.019) were significantly associated with increased risk for developing SFA during labor. Anemia (48.4%, OR-2.49, p)0.030), pregnancy-induced hypertension (60.0%, OR-3.66, p-0.018), preeclampsia (66.7%, OR-4.60, p-0.026) and oligohydramnios (63.6%, OR-4.10, p-0.024) Conclusion: Adolescent pregnant women have sociodemographic, obstetric characteristics and morbidity that are associated with the presence of acute fetal suffering.
Teen pregnancy is a public health problem due to its high rate of maternal and perinatal complications, one of which is the SFA that increases newborn morbidity-mortality. Objective: To determine the factors associated with acute fetal suffering in adolescent pregnant women attended at Hospital III Iquitos – EsSALUD, 2018 – 2019. Maherial Mand methods: The study is quantitative, design is descriptive, transversal, retrospective of Case control, with 36 cases and 72 controls, which compares sociodemographic, obstetric characteristics and morbidity during pregnancy that are associated with SFA Results: Urban origin is a significant protective factor for the presence of SFA during childbirth (OR-0.417, p-0.040). Adolescent pregnant women with gestational age < 37 weeks (45.9%, OR-2.32, p-0.044); with low pregestational weight (53.8%, OR-2.88, p-0.021), with an uns suitable weight gain (48.3%, OR-2.42, p-0.045), with less than 6 APNs (42.6%, OR- 2.74, p-0.019) were significantly associated with increased risk for developing SFA during labor. Anemia (48.4%, OR-2.49, p)0.030), pregnancy-induced hypertension (60.0%, OR-3.66, p-0.018), preeclampsia (66.7%, OR-4.60, p-0.026) and oligohydramnios (63.6%, OR-4.10, p-0.024) Conclusion: Adolescent pregnant women have sociodemographic, obstetric characteristics and morbidity that are associated with the presence of acute fetal suffering.
Sufrimiento fetal, Adolescentes, Gestante, Suffering, Adolescents, Pregnant
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