Nivel de conocimiento sobre la salud sexual y reproductiva en adolescentes de dos asentamientos humanos de la ciudad de Iquitos 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Introducción: El conocimiento sobre la anatomía y fisiología, infecciones de transmisión sexual y métodos anticonceptivos son determinantes para una adecuada salud sexual y reproductiva, que llevan a una reducción del embarazo precoz y de infecciones de transmisión sexual.
Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de conocimiento sobre la salud sexual y reproductiva en adolescentes en dos asentamientos humanos de la ciudad de Iquitos
Material y métodos: Estudio de tipo cuantitativo de diseño observacional, transversal, prospectivo, correlacional, entrevistando a 80 adolescentes entre los 14 a 19 años de edad del AAHH Manco Inca del distrito de Belén y 98 del AAHH Aeropuerto del distrito de San Juan; aplican un instrumento de 30 preguntas de 3 dimensiones sobre anatomía y fisiología; infecciones de transmisión sexual y métodos anticonceptivos, cada dimensión con 10 premisas.
Resultados: El 61.8% de los adolescentes presentan un buen nivel de conocimiento en la dimensión de anatomía y fisiología, el 56.7% un buen nivel de conocimiento en la dimensión de ITS, el 45.5% un buen nivel de conocimiento sobre métodos anticonceptivos, y el 53.4% un buen nivel de conocimiento sobre la Salud Sexual y Reproductiva, la que se relaciona significativamente con la edad, sexo femenino, actividad sexual,
Conclusión: Los adolescentes de dos AAHH tienen un buen nivel de conocimiento sobre la salud sexual y reproductiva.
Introduction: Knowledge about anatomy and physiology, sexually transmitted infections and contraceptive methods are determinants for adequate sexual and reproductive health, leading to a reduction in early pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Objective: To determine the level of knowledge about sexual and reproductive health in adolescents in two human settlements in the city of Iquito. Material and methods: A quantitative observational, cross-sectional, prospective, correlational study was conducted, interviewing 80 adolescents between 14 and 19 years of age from the Manco Inca AAHH in the Belén district and 98 from the San Juan Airport AAHH., each dimension with 10 premises. Results: 61.8% of adolescents have a good level of knowledge in the dimension of anatomy and physiology, 56.7% a good level of knowledge in the dimension of STIs, 45.5% a good level of knowledge about contraceptive methods, and 53.4% a good level of knowledge about Sexual and Reproductive Health, which is significantly related to age, female sex, sexual activity, Conclusion: Adolescents from two AAHHs have a good level of knowledge about sexual and reproductive health.
Introduction: Knowledge about anatomy and physiology, sexually transmitted infections and contraceptive methods are determinants for adequate sexual and reproductive health, leading to a reduction in early pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Objective: To determine the level of knowledge about sexual and reproductive health in adolescents in two human settlements in the city of Iquito. Material and methods: A quantitative observational, cross-sectional, prospective, correlational study was conducted, interviewing 80 adolescents between 14 and 19 years of age from the Manco Inca AAHH in the Belén district and 98 from the San Juan Airport AAHH., each dimension with 10 premises. Results: 61.8% of adolescents have a good level of knowledge in the dimension of anatomy and physiology, 56.7% a good level of knowledge in the dimension of STIs, 45.5% a good level of knowledge about contraceptive methods, and 53.4% a good level of knowledge about Sexual and Reproductive Health, which is significantly related to age, female sex, sexual activity, Conclusion: Adolescents from two AAHHs have a good level of knowledge about sexual and reproductive health.
Conocimiento, Salud Sexual Reproductiva, Adolescentes, Knowledge, Sexual Reproductive Health, Adolescents
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