Relación entre la anemia materna y la preeclampsia en un hospital del III nivel de la ciudad de Iquitos 2020-2021.
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Introducción: Los casos hipertensivos y anemia durante el embarazo en
un problema de salud predominante en nuestra región; la anemia
gestacional se ha asociado a complicaciones maternas y perinatales como
infección de tracto urinario, preeclampsia, parto prematuro, hemorragia
postpato, prematuridad, bajo peso al nacer, retardo de crecimiento entre
Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre la anemia materna y la
preeclampsia en un Hospital del III nivel de la ciudad de Iquitos, 2020 –
Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de tipo cuantitativo de diseño
observacional, retrospectivo, analítico de caso control; revisando 71
historias de las gestantes con preeclampsia(casos), y142 de historias de
gestantes sin presencia de preeclampsia ni hipertensión inducida durante
el embarazo (controles), se calculó el odds ratio y se usó la prueba chi
cuadrado para determinar la relación entre las variables
Resultados: El 39.4% de las gestantes con preeclampsia y el 25.4% de
las gestantes sin preeclampsia presentaron anemia, en su mayoría anemia
leve; el 43.8%delasgestantesanémicas y el 28.1% de las gestantes no
anémicas presentaron preeclampsia; con un odds ratio de 1.97 (p= 0.027).
Conclusión: La anemia durante el embarazo sea socia significativamente
a la presencia de la preeclampsia.
Hypertensive cases and anemia during pregnancy are a predominant health problem in our region; gestational anemia has been associated with maternal and perinatal complications such as urinary tract infection, preeclampsia, premature birth, post-duck hemorrhage, prematurity, low birth weight, growth retardation among others. Objective: To determine the relationship between maternal anemia and preeclampsia in a hospital of the III level of the city of Iquitos, 2020 – 2021. Material and methods:A quantitative study of observational, retrospective, analytical case control design was carried out; reviewing 71 histories of pregnant women with preeclampsia (cases), and 142 of histories of pregnant women without the presence of preeclampsia or hypertension induced during pregnancy(controls),theoddsratiowascalculatedandthechisquaretestwas used to determine the relationship between the variables Results:39.4%ofpregnantwomenwithpreeclampsiaand25.4%ofpregnant womenwithoutpreeclampsiapresentedanemia,mostlymildanemia;43.8%of anemicpregnantwomenand28.1%ofnon-anemicpregnantwomenpresented preeclampsia; with an odds ratio of 1.97 (p = 0.027). Conclusion: Anemia during pregnancy is significantly associated with the presence of preeclampsia.
Hypertensive cases and anemia during pregnancy are a predominant health problem in our region; gestational anemia has been associated with maternal and perinatal complications such as urinary tract infection, preeclampsia, premature birth, post-duck hemorrhage, prematurity, low birth weight, growth retardation among others. Objective: To determine the relationship between maternal anemia and preeclampsia in a hospital of the III level of the city of Iquitos, 2020 – 2021. Material and methods:A quantitative study of observational, retrospective, analytical case control design was carried out; reviewing 71 histories of pregnant women with preeclampsia (cases), and 142 of histories of pregnant women without the presence of preeclampsia or hypertension induced during pregnancy(controls),theoddsratiowascalculatedandthechisquaretestwas used to determine the relationship between the variables Results:39.4%ofpregnantwomenwithpreeclampsiaand25.4%ofpregnant womenwithoutpreeclampsiapresentedanemia,mostlymildanemia;43.8%of anemicpregnantwomenand28.1%ofnon-anemicpregnantwomenpresented preeclampsia; with an odds ratio of 1.97 (p = 0.027). Conclusion: Anemia during pregnancy is significantly associated with the presence of preeclampsia.
Anemia, Preeclampsia, Gestante, Anemia, Preeclampsia, Pregnant woman
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