Deserción escolar en estudiantes de la Institución Educativa N° 6010148 “Balbina Dora Soto Correa” Caballo Cocha 2021
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El objetivo de esta investigación fue: Evaluar el nivel de Deserción Escolar en Estudiantes de la Institución Educativa N° 6010148 “Balbina Dora Soto Correa” Caballo Cocha 2021.
La investigación fue de tipo descriptivo. El diseño fue el no experimental descriptivo transversal.
La población estuvo delimitada por los Estudiantes de la Institución Educativa N° 6010148 “Balbina Dora Soto Correa” Caballo Cocha 2021; que hicieron un total de 175. La muestra lo conformaron los 49 Estudiantes de la Institución Educativa N° 6010148 “Balbina Dora Soto Correa” Caballo Cocha 2021, del distrito de Caballo Cocha, Provincia de Ramón Castilla del Departamento de Loreto. La selección de la muestra fue no aleatoria intencionada, para lo cual utilizamos el diseño muestral para poblaciones menor a 1500.
La técnica que se empleó en la recolección de los datos fue la encuesta y el instrumento de recolección de datos fue el cuestionario. Los resultados muestran que la Deserción Escolar, se da A Veces en Estudiantes de la Institución Educativa N° 6010148 “Balbina Dora Soto Correa” Caballo Cocha 2021.
The objective of this research was: To evaluate the level of School Dropout in Students of the Educational Institution No. 6010148 "Balbina Dora Soto Correa" Caballo Cocha 2021. The research was descriptive. The usual design of the Inquiry was non- experimental and the specific design was descriptive cross-sectional. The population was delimited by the Students of the Educational Institution No. 6010148 "Balbina Dora Soto Correa" Caballo Cocha 2021; which made a total of 175. The sample was made up of 49 students from Educational Institution No. 6010148 "Balbina Dora Soto Correa" Caballo Cocha 2021, from the district of Caballo Cocha, Province of Ramón Castilla in the Department of Loreto. The selection of the sample was intentional non-random, for which we used the sample design for populations of less than 1,500. The technique used in data collection was the survey and the data collection instrument was the questionnaire. The results show that School Dropout occurs Sometimes in Students of Educational Institution No. 6010148 "Balbina Dora Soto Correa" Caballo Cocha 2021.
The objective of this research was: To evaluate the level of School Dropout in Students of the Educational Institution No. 6010148 "Balbina Dora Soto Correa" Caballo Cocha 2021. The research was descriptive. The usual design of the Inquiry was non- experimental and the specific design was descriptive cross-sectional. The population was delimited by the Students of the Educational Institution No. 6010148 "Balbina Dora Soto Correa" Caballo Cocha 2021; which made a total of 175. The sample was made up of 49 students from Educational Institution No. 6010148 "Balbina Dora Soto Correa" Caballo Cocha 2021, from the district of Caballo Cocha, Province of Ramón Castilla in the Department of Loreto. The selection of the sample was intentional non-random, for which we used the sample design for populations of less than 1,500. The technique used in data collection was the survey and the data collection instrument was the questionnaire. The results show that School Dropout occurs Sometimes in Students of Educational Institution No. 6010148 "Balbina Dora Soto Correa" Caballo Cocha 2021.
Deserción Escolar, School dropout
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