Gestión de la calidad y la construcción de los institutos de educación superior tecnológicos en pobladores del A.H 1ero de diciembre. San Juan Bautista-Maynas-Loreto-2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
En cuanto a la presente investigación cuyo objetivo fue el de: Determinar el nivel en que se relaciona La Gestión De La Calidad y La Construcción De Los Institutos De Educación Superior Tecnológicos en los Pobladores Del A.H 1ero De Diciembre. San Juan Bautista-Maynas-Loreto-2023. Esta investigación perteneció al tipo Correlacional de diseño no experimental transeccional correlacional. En cuanto a población esta consistió en 736 viviendas asimismo también su muestra estuvo formada por 253 viviendas ubicadas en la provincia de Maynas del Departamento de Loreto. En cuanto a las técnicas, se emplearon en la recolección de datos encuestas y el instrumento fue el cuestionario. Para el estudio de los resultados se empleó la estadística descriptiva para el análisis de las variables como también el empleo de estadística inferencial no paramétrica Chi Cuadrada para la demostración de la hipótesis. La Gestión De La Calidad y La Construcción De Los Institutos De Educación Superior Tecnológicos, Se Relacionan en Nivel Alto en Pobladores del A.H 1ero De Diciembre. San Juan Bautista-Maynas-Loreto-2023, cuando se obtuvo r = 63.17%.
Regarding the present research, the objective of which was to: Determine the level at which Quality Management and the Construction of Technological Higher Education Institutes are related to the inhabitants of A.H. December 1st. Saint John the Baptist-Maynas. 2023. This research belonged to the Correlational type of non-experimental transectional correlational design. As for the population, it consisted of 736 homes, and its sample was also made up of 253 homes located in the province of Maynas in the Department of Loreto. Regarding the techniques, surveys were used in data collection and the instrument was the questionnaire. To study the results, descriptive statistics were used for the analysis of the variables as well as the use of non-parametric inferential Chi Square statistics for the demonstration of the hypothesis. Quality Management and the Construction of Technological Higher Education Institutes Are Related at a High Level in Residents of A.H. December 1. Saint John the Baptist-Maynas. 2023., when r = 63.17% was obtained.
Regarding the present research, the objective of which was to: Determine the level at which Quality Management and the Construction of Technological Higher Education Institutes are related to the inhabitants of A.H. December 1st. Saint John the Baptist-Maynas. 2023. This research belonged to the Correlational type of non-experimental transectional correlational design. As for the population, it consisted of 736 homes, and its sample was also made up of 253 homes located in the province of Maynas in the Department of Loreto. Regarding the techniques, surveys were used in data collection and the instrument was the questionnaire. To study the results, descriptive statistics were used for the analysis of the variables as well as the use of non-parametric inferential Chi Square statistics for the demonstration of the hypothesis. Quality Management and the Construction of Technological Higher Education Institutes Are Related at a High Level in Residents of A.H. December 1. Saint John the Baptist-Maynas. 2023., when r = 63.17% was obtained.
Gestión De La Calidad, Construcción De Los Institutos De Educación Superior Tecnológicos, Quality Management, Construction of Technological Higher Education Institutes
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