Conocimiento sobre vih/sida y conducta sexual en adolescentes del 4to de secundaria del colegio club de leones de lemgo alemania Iquitos octubre 2020
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Introducción: La época de la adolescencia tiene características
únicas. La educación de los adolescentes es crucial para ayudarles a
tomar decisiones acertadas en este período de la vida, ya que existe
una fuerte inclinación por las situaciones de riesgo.
Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de comportamiento sexual y de
conocimientos sobre el VIH/SIDA entre los adolescentes matriculados
en la escuela Club de Leones de Lemgo, Alemania, del cuarto de
secundaria . Octubre 2020.
Metodología: Estudio de tipo cuantitativo. Diseño no experimental,
Transversal, correlacional y prospectivo
Resultados: El 64,3% de los adolescentes informaron que la
institución educativa era su principal fuente de información sobre el
VIH. El 62,5% de los adolescentes tenían entre 14 y 15 años; el 55,4%
eran varones.
El 14,3% de los adolescentes tiene un alto grado de conocimiento
sobre el VIH/SIDA, frente al 28,6% que tiene un conocimiento
deficiente y el 57,1% que tiene un conocimiento medio. El 67.9%
tienen conducta sexual de riesgo y el 32.1% con conducta sexual Sin
Conclusión: La edad (p = 0.021) y la fuente de información (p=0.025)
se relacionaron significativamente con el nivel de conocimiento. No se
encontró relación (p=0.140) con el sexo.
Introduction: The time of adolescence has unique characteristics. The education of adolescents is crucial to help them make wise decisions in this period of life, as there is a strong inclination for risky situations. Objective: To determine the level of sexual behavior and knowledge about HIV/AIDS among adolescents enrolled in the Lions Club school in Lemgo, Germany, in the fourth year of secondary school. October 2020. Methodology: Quantitative study. Non-experimental, cross-sectional, correlational and prospective design. Results: 64.3% of adolescents reported that the educational institution was their main source of information about HIV. 62.5% of adolescents were between 14 and 15 years old; 55.4% were male. 14.3 per cent of adolescents have a high level of knowledge about HIV/AIDS, compared to 28.6 per cent who have poor knowledge and 57.1 per cent who have medium knowledge. 67.9% have risky sexual behavior and 32.1% have risky sexual behavior. Conclusion: Age (p = 0.021) and source of information (p = 0.025) were significantly related to the level of knowledge. No relationship (p=0.140) was found with sex.
Introduction: The time of adolescence has unique characteristics. The education of adolescents is crucial to help them make wise decisions in this period of life, as there is a strong inclination for risky situations. Objective: To determine the level of sexual behavior and knowledge about HIV/AIDS among adolescents enrolled in the Lions Club school in Lemgo, Germany, in the fourth year of secondary school. October 2020. Methodology: Quantitative study. Non-experimental, cross-sectional, correlational and prospective design. Results: 64.3% of adolescents reported that the educational institution was their main source of information about HIV. 62.5% of adolescents were between 14 and 15 years old; 55.4% were male. 14.3 per cent of adolescents have a high level of knowledge about HIV/AIDS, compared to 28.6 per cent who have poor knowledge and 57.1 per cent who have medium knowledge. 67.9% have risky sexual behavior and 32.1% have risky sexual behavior. Conclusion: Age (p = 0.021) and source of information (p = 0.025) were significantly related to the level of knowledge. No relationship (p=0.140) was found with sex.
Nivel de conocimiento, Conducta sexual, Adolescente, VIH/SIDA, Level of knowledge, Sexual behavior, Adolescent, HIV/AIDS
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