Factores de riesgo que influyen en infecciones urinarias en gestantes atendidas en la Ipress I-3 Cardozo, Belén, 2020
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El presente trabajo es una investigación que tuvo como objetivo Determinar los factores sociodemográficos y obstétricos que influyen en infección Urinaria en gestantes atendidas en el C.S. Cardozo, Belén -2020. METODOLOGÍA: Muestra del estudio 240 gestantes entre enero a diciembre 2020. La técnica revisión de historias clínicas. El instrumento aplicado ficha de recolección de datos. RESULTADOS: Promedio de edad 26 años, ama de casa 92,95%, convivencia 68,3% nivel secundario 68,3%, II trimestre del embarazo 41,3%, segundigestas 30,8% 52,5%, presento infección urinaria asintomática. CONCLUSIONES: la unión conyugal convivencia se relaciona con la infección urinaria (p=0,049), Las causas obstétricas no se relacionan con la infección urinaria. etc.
The present work is an investigation that aimed to determine the sociodemographic and obstetric factors that influence urinary infection in pregnant women treated at the C.S. Cardozo, Bethlehem -2020. METHODOLOGY: Study sample 240 pregnant women between January and December 2020. The medical record review technique. The instrument applied data collection sheet. RESULTS: Average age 26 years, housewife 92.95%, coexistence 68.3% secondary level 68.3%, second trimester of pregnancy 41.3%, second pregnancies 30.8% 52.5%, present urinary infection asymptomatic CONCLUSIONS: the conjugal union coexistence is related to urinary infection (p = 0.049), Obstetric causes are not related to urinary infection.
The present work is an investigation that aimed to determine the sociodemographic and obstetric factors that influence urinary infection in pregnant women treated at the C.S. Cardozo, Bethlehem -2020. METHODOLOGY: Study sample 240 pregnant women between January and December 2020. The medical record review technique. The instrument applied data collection sheet. RESULTS: Average age 26 years, housewife 92.95%, coexistence 68.3% secondary level 68.3%, second trimester of pregnancy 41.3%, second pregnancies 30.8% 52.5%, present urinary infection asymptomatic CONCLUSIONS: the conjugal union coexistence is related to urinary infection (p = 0.049), Obstetric causes are not related to urinary infection.
Factores Sociodemográficos, Factores obstétricos, Infección urinaria, Sociodemographic factors, Obstetric factors, Urinary infection
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