Relación del circular de cordón y el apgar de los recién nacidos atendidos en el Hospital Iquitos César Garayar García de Octubre a Diciembre 2022
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Determinar la relación que existe entre el circular del cordón umbilical y el
Apgar de los recién nacido atendidos en el Hospital Iquitos César Garayar
García de octubre a diciembre 2022.
Estudio de investigación de tipo cuantitativo. El diseño de investigación
correlacional de corte transversal y retrospectivo. La población y la muestra
constituida por 75 recién nacidos con circular de cordón umbilical y el tipo
de muestreo no probabilístico, por conveniencia.
La incidencia de cordón umbilical en los recién nacidos fue de 11.5 En las
características sociodemográficos, madres mayores de 35 años, nivel de
instrucción secundario 65.3%, estado civil conviviente 84.0% y procedentes
de zona urbana en el 64.0%. En las características obstétricas se observa
predominio de multiparidad en el 54.7%, más de 6 atenciones prenatales
57.3% y edad gestacional de 37 a 40 semanas 72%. En las características
de los recién nacidos se observa Apgar de 7 a 10 con el 89.3% al minuto y
94.7% a los cinco minutos, sexo masculino 62.7% y de peso normal 64.0%.
el tipo de cordón circular más frecuente fue el simple.
Se concluye que no existe relación
entre el circular de cordón y el Apgar al minuto y a los cinco minutos con
una probabilidad de p>=0,05.
Objective. To determine the relationship that exists between the circularity of the umbilical cord and the turn off of newborns treated at the Hospital Iquitos César Garayar García from October to December 2022. Methodology. Quantitative research study. Cross-sectional and retrospective correlational research design. The population and the sample constituted by 75 newborns with circular umbilical cord and the type of non-probabilistic sampling, for convenience. Outcome. The incidence of umbilical cord in newborns was 11.5% In the sociodemographic characteristics, mothers over 35 years of age, 65.3% secondary level of education, 84.0% cohabiting marital status and 64.0% from urban areas. In the obstetric characteristics, a predominance of multiparity was observed in 54.7%, more than 6 prenatal cares 57.3% and gestational age from 37 to 40 weeks 72%. In the characteristics of the newborns, an Apgar score of 7 to 10 is observed with 89.3% at one minute and 94.7% at five minutes, male sex 62.7% and normal weight 64.0%. the most frequent type of circular bead was the simple one. Conclusion. It is concluded that there is no relationship between the circular cord and the Apgar at one minute and at five minutes with a probability of p>=0.05.
Objective. To determine the relationship that exists between the circularity of the umbilical cord and the turn off of newborns treated at the Hospital Iquitos César Garayar García from October to December 2022. Methodology. Quantitative research study. Cross-sectional and retrospective correlational research design. The population and the sample constituted by 75 newborns with circular umbilical cord and the type of non-probabilistic sampling, for convenience. Outcome. The incidence of umbilical cord in newborns was 11.5% In the sociodemographic characteristics, mothers over 35 years of age, 65.3% secondary level of education, 84.0% cohabiting marital status and 64.0% from urban areas. In the obstetric characteristics, a predominance of multiparity was observed in 54.7%, more than 6 prenatal cares 57.3% and gestational age from 37 to 40 weeks 72%. In the characteristics of the newborns, an Apgar score of 7 to 10 is observed with 89.3% at one minute and 94.7% at five minutes, male sex 62.7% and normal weight 64.0%. the most frequent type of circular bead was the simple one. Conclusion. It is concluded that there is no relationship between the circular cord and the Apgar at one minute and at five minutes with a probability of p>=0.05.
Test de Apgar, Circular de cordón umbilical, Cordón umbilical, Recién nacido, Apgar test, Umbilical cord circular, Umbilical cord, Newborn
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