Nivel de conocimiento y actitudes sobre planificación familiar en estudiantes de 5° de secundaria de la Institución Educativa Club de Leones de Lemgo Alemania - 2020
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Introducción: La adolescencia es un periodo de preparación para la edad
adulta durante el cual se producen varias experiencias de desarrollo de
suma importancia. Dentro de este desarrollo, la salud sexual y reproductiva
tiene un rol fundamental en su desarrollo y proyecto de vida personal, sin
embargo aún existen barreras que limitan el acceso a la información y el
acceso a los servicios que le garanticen una salud sexual y reproductiva
saludable y sin riesgos.
Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de conocimientos y actitudes sobre
Planificación Familiar.
Metodología: Investigación cuantitativa, descriptiva, correlacional
prospectiva, de tipo no experimental y transversal cuya muestra estuvo
constituida por 36 adolescentes de 16 - 19 años.
Resultados: El 11% de estudiantes cuenta con 16 años; el 22% tienen 17
años, el 64% con 18 años y el 3% tienen 19 a más años. El 41.7 % son del
sexo masculino y el 58.3 corresponden al sexo femenino. El 81% recibieron
información sobre planificación Familiar en la Institución Educativa; el 17%
manifiesta haber obtenido información a través del internet y solo el 3%
expresa que lo obtuvo de otros medios. el 69.4 % de los estudiantes tienen
nivel de conocimiento alto en Planificación Familiar y el 30.6%, tienen
conocimiento bajo. El 83. % de los adolescentes tienen Actitud Positiva y
17% tienen Actitud Negativa hacia la Planificación familiar. Se encontró
relación significativa (p= 0.019) entre el nivel de conocimiento y actitud
sobre Planificación Familiar
Conclusión: A mayor nivel de conocimiento sobre métodos
anticonceptivos se evidencia una actitud favorable hacia la Planificación
Adolescence is a period of preparation for adulthood during which several very important developmental experiences take place. Within this development, sexual and reproductive health plays a fundamental role in their development and personal life project, however there are still barriers that limit access to information and access to services that guarantee healthy sexual and reproductive health. and without risks. Objective: To determine the level of knowledge and attitudes about Family Planning. Methodology: Quantitative, descriptive, correlational research prospective, non-experimental and cross-sectional type whose sample consisted of 36 adolescents aged 16-19 years. Results: 11% of students are 16 years old; 22% are 17 years old, 64% are 18 years old and 3% are 19 or over. 41.7% are male and 58.3 are female. 81% received information on Family planning at the Educational Institution; 17% claim to have obtained information through the internet and only 3% state that they obtained it from other media. 69.4% of the students have a high level of knowledge in Family Planning and 30.6% have low knowledge. 83% of adolescents have a Positive Attitude and 17% have a Negative Attitude towards Family Planning. A significant relationship (p = 0.019) was found between the level of knowledge and attitude about Family Planning Conclusion: A higher level of knowledge about contraceptive methods shows a favorable attitude towards Family Planning.
Adolescence is a period of preparation for adulthood during which several very important developmental experiences take place. Within this development, sexual and reproductive health plays a fundamental role in their development and personal life project, however there are still barriers that limit access to information and access to services that guarantee healthy sexual and reproductive health. and without risks. Objective: To determine the level of knowledge and attitudes about Family Planning. Methodology: Quantitative, descriptive, correlational research prospective, non-experimental and cross-sectional type whose sample consisted of 36 adolescents aged 16-19 years. Results: 11% of students are 16 years old; 22% are 17 years old, 64% are 18 years old and 3% are 19 or over. 41.7% are male and 58.3 are female. 81% received information on Family planning at the Educational Institution; 17% claim to have obtained information through the internet and only 3% state that they obtained it from other media. 69.4% of the students have a high level of knowledge in Family Planning and 30.6% have low knowledge. 83% of adolescents have a Positive Attitude and 17% have a Negative Attitude towards Family Planning. A significant relationship (p = 0.019) was found between the level of knowledge and attitude about Family Planning Conclusion: A higher level of knowledge about contraceptive methods shows a favorable attitude towards Family Planning.
Conocimiento, Actitudes, Métodos Anticonceptivos, Adolescentes, Knowledge, Attitudes, Contraceptive Methods, Adolescents
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