Continuación del juez colegiado reemplazante en el juicio oral y sus implicancias en el delito de prevaricato, de la corte superior de justicia de Loreto, año 2022
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Las proposiciones formuladas, han sido evaluadas por una muestra representativa de magistrados en materia penal, cuyos resultados empíricos a la problemática planteada: ¿Cómo determinar si la continuación y deliberación del juez colegiado reemplazante en el juicio oral, incurre en el delito de prevaricato, cuando en clara evidencia solo debió reemplazar por una sola vez? De lo recabado no ocurre así, esto significa que el juez que integra el colegiado, cuando es reemplazado por cualquier circunstancia, otro juez de igual jerarquía lo reemplaza para dicha audiencia, pero no se le permite su retorno y continuar con las sesiones futuras hasta la culminación y deliberación del caso, contrariamente a lo previsto en el numeral segundo del artículo 359 de la norma adjetiva penal.
La principal metodología fueron la observación sistemática de hechos ocurridos en juzgados penales colegiados, tomadas del cuestionario y entrevistas a los jueces y fiscales en materia penal, corroboradas por la muestra estudiada. Al contradecir la hipótesis alternativa, quedan aceptadas las hipótesis principales, así como auxiliares en toda su extensión, así lo visualizamos en el cuadro general Nº 01 y ss del acápite 4.2 de esta tesis.
The propositions formulated have been evaluated by a representative sample of magistrates in criminal matters, whose empirical results address the problem posed: How to determine if the continuation and deliberation of the replacement collegiate judge in the oral trial incurs the crime of prevarication, when in clear evidence it should only have been replaced once? From what has been gathered, this does not happen, this means that the judge who is part of the collegiate, when he is replaced by any circumstance, another judge of equal hierarchy replaces him for said hearing, but is not allowed to return and continue with future sessions until the culmination and deliberation of the case, contrary to the provisions of the second paragraph of article 359 of the criminal adjective norm. The main methodology was the systematic observation of events that occurred in collegiate criminal courts, taken from the questionnaire and interviews with judges and prosecutors in criminal matters, corroborated by the sample studied. By contradicting the alternative hypothesis, the main hypotheses are accepted, as well as auxiliary ones in their entirety, as we see in general table No. 01 et seq. of section 4.2 of this thesis.
The propositions formulated have been evaluated by a representative sample of magistrates in criminal matters, whose empirical results address the problem posed: How to determine if the continuation and deliberation of the replacement collegiate judge in the oral trial incurs the crime of prevarication, when in clear evidence it should only have been replaced once? From what has been gathered, this does not happen, this means that the judge who is part of the collegiate, when he is replaced by any circumstance, another judge of equal hierarchy replaces him for said hearing, but is not allowed to return and continue with future sessions until the culmination and deliberation of the case, contrary to the provisions of the second paragraph of article 359 of the criminal adjective norm. The main methodology was the systematic observation of events that occurred in collegiate criminal courts, taken from the questionnaire and interviews with judges and prosecutors in criminal matters, corroborated by the sample studied. By contradicting the alternative hypothesis, the main hypotheses are accepted, as well as auxiliary ones in their entirety, as we see in general table No. 01 et seq. of section 4.2 of this thesis.
Derecho penal, Juez colegiado, Proceso penal, Juicio oral, Delito de prevaricato, Criminal law, Collegiate judge, Criminal process, Oral trial, Crime of prevarication
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