Conocimiento y prácticas de medidas preventivas sobre VIH/SIDA en adolescentes del centro poblado los Delfines, San Juan 2020
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo, determinar la relación que tiene el conocimiento con las prácticas de medidas preventivas sobre VIH/SIDA en adolescentes del Centro Poblado los Delfines del distrito de San Juan de la Ciudad de Iquitos 2020. La metodología tuvo un enfoque cuantitativo, descriptivo, con un diseño no experimental, correlacional con corte transversal, la muestra estuvo conformada por 101 adolescentes. Obteniéndose como resultados 72 (71.3%) de adolescentes que poseen conocimiento adecuado y 29 (28.7%) de adolescentes que poseen un conocimiento inadecuado sobre VIH/SIDA, y 64 (63.4%) de adolescentes si tienen prácticas medidas preventivas y 37 (36.6%) de adolescentes no prácticas medidas preventivas en VIH/SIDA. Concluyendo, que después de llevado acabo el análisis inferencial entre conocimiento y prácticas de medidas preventivas sobre VIH/SIDA en adolescentes se obtuvo p = 0.689 este resultado permitió afirmar que no existe relación estadísticamente significativa entre el conocimiento y las prácticas de medidas preventivas sobre VIH/SIDA en adolescentes del Centro Poblado los Delfines del distrito de San Juan de la Ciudad de Iquitos 2020.
The objective of this research was to determine the relationship between knowledge and the practices of HIV/AIDS preventive measures among adolescents in the Centro Poblado Los Delfines of the San Juan district of the city of Iquitos 2020. The methodology had a quantitative, descriptive approach, with a non-experimental, correlational, cross-sectional design, and the sample consisted of 101 adolescents. The results obtained were 72 (71.3%) adolescents with adequate knowledge and 29 (28.7%) adolescents with inadequate knowledge about HIV/AIDS, and 64 (63.4%) adolescents who practice preventive measures and 37 (36.6%) adolescents who do not practice preventive measures in HIV/AIDS. In conclusion, after carrying out the inferential analysis between knowledge and practices of preventive measures on HIV/AIDS in adolescents, p = 0.689 was obtained. This result allowed us to affirm that there is no statistically significant relationship between knowledge and practices of preventive measures on HIV/AIDS in adolescents in the Centro Poblado Los Delfines of the district of San Juan in the city of Iquitos 2020.
The objective of this research was to determine the relationship between knowledge and the practices of HIV/AIDS preventive measures among adolescents in the Centro Poblado Los Delfines of the San Juan district of the city of Iquitos 2020. The methodology had a quantitative, descriptive approach, with a non-experimental, correlational, cross-sectional design, and the sample consisted of 101 adolescents. The results obtained were 72 (71.3%) adolescents with adequate knowledge and 29 (28.7%) adolescents with inadequate knowledge about HIV/AIDS, and 64 (63.4%) adolescents who practice preventive measures and 37 (36.6%) adolescents who do not practice preventive measures in HIV/AIDS. In conclusion, after carrying out the inferential analysis between knowledge and practices of preventive measures on HIV/AIDS in adolescents, p = 0.689 was obtained. This result allowed us to affirm that there is no statistically significant relationship between knowledge and practices of preventive measures on HIV/AIDS in adolescents in the Centro Poblado Los Delfines of the district of San Juan in the city of Iquitos 2020.
VIH, SIDA, medidas preventivas, adolescentes, HIV, AIDS, Preventive measures, Adolescents
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