Habilidades sociales en resultados académicos en ciencias sociales
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El papel de las habilidades sociales en los resultados académicos en ciencias sociales ha sido objeto de estudio por varios autores a lo largo de los años. Presento un resumen de algunas de las investigaciones y autores representativos en este campo:
Elias y Tobias: Autores de "Educación emocional y social" han destacado la importancia de las habilidades sociales en el entorno educativo. Sostienen que las habilidades sociales, como la empatía y la resolución de conflictos, son fundamentales para el éxito académico en ciencias sociales, ya que promueven un ambiente de aprendizaje positivo.
Brackett y Rivers: En su libro "Habilidades sociales en el aula", estos autores exploran cómo las habilidades sociales, incluida la inteligencia emocional, pueden influir en el rendimiento académico. Argumentan que los estudiantes con fuertes habilidades sociales suelen tener un mejor desempeño en asignaturas relacionadas con ciencias sociales, ya que son capaces de comprender y comunicarse de manera efectiva en situaciones interpersonales.
Wentzel y Wigfield: Autores de "Motivación y educación en la adolescencia", han investigado cómo las habilidades sociales pueden afectar la motivación de los estudiantes en las ciencias sociales. Sus hallazgos sugieren que las relaciones positivas con los compañeros y la habilidad para trabajar en equipo pueden aumentar el interés de los estudiantes en estas materias, lo que a su vez se traduce en mejores resultados académicos.
Zins y Elias: Autores de "Educación emocional y habilidades sociales en la escuela", han abogado por la inclusión de programas de educación emocional y
social en las escuelas. Sostengan que estos programas pueden mejorar las habilidades sociales de los estudiantes y, como resultado, tener un impacto positivo en su desempeño académico en ciencias sociales.
Bisquerra y Pérez: En su obra "Educación emocional y competencias básicas", exploran cómo la educación emocional, que incluye el desarrollo de habilidades sociales, puede contribuir al éxito en las materias de ciencias sociales. Argumentan que la autorregulación emocional y las habilidades interpersonales son esenciales para comprender y abordar los problemas sociales y emocionales que surgen en el contexto de estas disciplinas.
Estos autores han contribuido significativamente a la comprensión de la relación entre las habilidades sociales y los resultados académicos en ciencias sociales. Sus investigaciones enfatizan la importancia de fomentar estas habilidades en el entorno educativo para mejorar el rendimiento de los estudiantes en estas materias.
The role of social skills in academic outcomes in social sciences has been the subject of study by several authors over the years. I present a summary of some of the research and representative authors in this field: Elias and Tobias: Authors of "Emotional and Social Education" have highlighted the importance of social skills in the educational environment. They argue that social skills, such as empathy and conflict resolution, are critical to academic success in the social sciences, as they promote a positive learning environment. Brackett and Rivers: In their book "Social Skills in the Classroom," these authors explore how social skills, including emotional intelligence, can influence academic performance. They argue that students with strong social skills tend to perform better in social science-related subjects because they are able to understand and communicate effectively in interpersonal situations. Wentzel and Wigfield: Authors of "Motivation and Education in Adolescence," have investigated how social skills can affect students' motivation in the social sciences. Their findings suggest that positive peer relationships and the ability to work in teams can increase students' interest in these subjects, which in turn translates into better academic outcomes. Zins and Elias: Authors of "Emotional Education and Social Skills in School," have advocated the inclusion of emotional and social education programs in schools. They argue that these programs can improve students' social skills and, as a result, have a positive impact on their academic performance in social sciences. Bisquerra and Pérez: In their work "Educación emocional y competencias básicas," they explore how emotional education, which includes the development of xi social skills, can contribute to success in social science subjects. They argue that emotional self-regulation and interpersonal skills are essential to understand and address the social and emotional problems that arise in the context of these disciplines. These authors have contributed significantly to the understanding of the relationship between social skills and academic outcomes in the social sciences. Their research emphasizes the importance of fostering these skills in the educational environment to improve student performance in these subjects.
The role of social skills in academic outcomes in social sciences has been the subject of study by several authors over the years. I present a summary of some of the research and representative authors in this field: Elias and Tobias: Authors of "Emotional and Social Education" have highlighted the importance of social skills in the educational environment. They argue that social skills, such as empathy and conflict resolution, are critical to academic success in the social sciences, as they promote a positive learning environment. Brackett and Rivers: In their book "Social Skills in the Classroom," these authors explore how social skills, including emotional intelligence, can influence academic performance. They argue that students with strong social skills tend to perform better in social science-related subjects because they are able to understand and communicate effectively in interpersonal situations. Wentzel and Wigfield: Authors of "Motivation and Education in Adolescence," have investigated how social skills can affect students' motivation in the social sciences. Their findings suggest that positive peer relationships and the ability to work in teams can increase students' interest in these subjects, which in turn translates into better academic outcomes. Zins and Elias: Authors of "Emotional Education and Social Skills in School," have advocated the inclusion of emotional and social education programs in schools. They argue that these programs can improve students' social skills and, as a result, have a positive impact on their academic performance in social sciences. Bisquerra and Pérez: In their work "Educación emocional y competencias básicas," they explore how emotional education, which includes the development of xi social skills, can contribute to success in social science subjects. They argue that emotional self-regulation and interpersonal skills are essential to understand and address the social and emotional problems that arise in the context of these disciplines. These authors have contributed significantly to the understanding of the relationship between social skills and academic outcomes in the social sciences. Their research emphasizes the importance of fostering these skills in the educational environment to improve student performance in these subjects.
Habilidades sociales, Resultados del aprendizaje, Ciencias Sociales, Social skills, Learning outcomes, Social sciences
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