Intervención educativa y nivel de conocimientos sobre infecciones de transmisión sexual en alumnos del 5to de secundaria del colegio IEPSM N° 601515 San Pablo de la Luz. Iquitos 2022
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Objetivo: Determinar la efectividad de una intervención educativa sobre Infecciones de Transmisión sexual en el nivel de conocimientos de los alumnos del 5to de secundaria del colegio IEPSM N° 601515 San Pablo de la Luz. Iquitos 2022.
Metodología: Estudio de tipo cuantitativo, explicativo de diseño cuasi experimental y Transversal.
Resultados: El 78.9% de los estudiantes se encuentran entre los 17 y 18 años. Predomina el sexo femenino en un 53.8%. El nivel de conocimiento Medio en un 61.5 % predominó en el Pre Test antes de la intervención educativa con un promedio de 14.37 puntos, incrementándose a Nivel Alto en un 86.8 % en la medición final post intervención y con un promedio de
20.47 puntos. La dimensión que tuvo mayor incremento en su nivel de conocimiento fue la dimensión de Prevención logrando un 84.6% de conocimiento Alto. Se encontró alta significancia estadística (p= 0.000) en el nivel de conocimientos post intervención educativa.
Objetive: To determine the effectiveness of an educational intervention on sexually transmitted infections in the level of knowledge of students in the 5th year of secondary school IEPSM No. 601515 San Pablo de la Luz. Iquitos 2022. Methodology: Quantitative, explanatory, quasi-experimental and cross- sectional study. Results: 78.9% of the students were between 17 and 18 years of age. The female sex predominated in 53.8%. A 61.5% level of medium knowledge predominated in the pretest before the educational intervention with an average of 14.37 points, increasing to a high level of 86.8% in the final post- intervention measurement with an average of 20.47 points. The dimension that had the greatest increase in its level of knowledge was the Prevention dimension, achieving 84.6% of High knowledge. High statistical significance (p= 0.000) was found in the level of knowledge post educational intervention. Conclusions: The educational intervention had a positive effect.
Objetive: To determine the effectiveness of an educational intervention on sexually transmitted infections in the level of knowledge of students in the 5th year of secondary school IEPSM No. 601515 San Pablo de la Luz. Iquitos 2022. Methodology: Quantitative, explanatory, quasi-experimental and cross- sectional study. Results: 78.9% of the students were between 17 and 18 years of age. The female sex predominated in 53.8%. A 61.5% level of medium knowledge predominated in the pretest before the educational intervention with an average of 14.37 points, increasing to a high level of 86.8% in the final post- intervention measurement with an average of 20.47 points. The dimension that had the greatest increase in its level of knowledge was the Prevention dimension, achieving 84.6% of High knowledge. High statistical significance (p= 0.000) was found in the level of knowledge post educational intervention. Conclusions: The educational intervention had a positive effect.
Nivel de conocimiento-Intervención educativa, Infecciones de Trasmisión sexual, Level of knowledge - educational intervention, Sexually transmitted infections
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