Características maternas relacionadas con el parto pretérmino en gestantes atendidas en el hospital regional de Loreto. Enero- Junio 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Objetivo: Determinar las características maternas relacionados con el parto pretérmino en gestantes atendidas en el Hospital Regional de Loreto. Enero- Junio 2023.
Metodología: Estudio de tipo cuantitativo con diseño No experimental, transversal, Retrospectivo y Correlacional.
La incidencia del parto Pretérmino en el Hospital Regional de Loreto fue de 31%. La Clasificación de prematuridad con mayor porcentaje corresponde a moderadamente prematuros (80.13%). No se encontró características sociodemográficas ni obstétricas con relación significativa. La única morbilidad materna relacionada con el parto pretérmino fue la Infección Urinaria
Conclusión: El parto pretérmino se relaciona significativamente con la morbilidad por infección urinaria (p = 0.032), morbilidad que debe ser investigada y tratada oportunamente.
Objective: To determine maternal characteristics related to preterm delivery in pregnant women attended at the Regional Hospital of Loreto. January-June 2023. Methodology: Quantitative study with non-experimental, cross-sectional, Retrospective and Correlational design. Results: The incidence of Preterm delivery in the Regional Hospital of Loreto was 31%. The classification of prematurity with the highest percentage corresponds to moderately preterm (80.13%). No sociodemographic or obstetric characteristics were found to be significantly related. The only maternal morbidity related to preterm delivery was urinary tract infection. Conclusion: Preterm delivery is significantly related to morbidity due to urinary tract infection (p = 0.032), morbidity that should be investigated and treated promptly.
Objective: To determine maternal characteristics related to preterm delivery in pregnant women attended at the Regional Hospital of Loreto. January-June 2023. Methodology: Quantitative study with non-experimental, cross-sectional, Retrospective and Correlational design. Results: The incidence of Preterm delivery in the Regional Hospital of Loreto was 31%. The classification of prematurity with the highest percentage corresponds to moderately preterm (80.13%). No sociodemographic or obstetric characteristics were found to be significantly related. The only maternal morbidity related to preterm delivery was urinary tract infection. Conclusion: Preterm delivery is significantly related to morbidity due to urinary tract infection (p = 0.032), morbidity that should be investigated and treated promptly.
Características maternas, Parto pretérmino, Maternal characteristics, Preterm delivery
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