Anemia materna y complicaciones perinatales en un hospital de nivel III de la ciudad de Iquitos 2019
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Universidad Cientìfica del Perù
Introducción: La anemia es un problema de salud predominante en
nuestro país, estudios la han asociado a complicaciones maternas,
obstétricas y perinatales, nuestra región tiene una alta prevalencia de
pobreza y anemia poblacional, por lo que el presente estudio desea
determinar su relación con la presencia de complicaciones perinatales
Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre la anemia materna y las
complicaciones perinatales en un hospital de nivel III de la ciudad de
Iquitos, 2019
Metodología: Se realizo un estudio descriptivo transversal analítico caso
control, con 52 casos de gestantes anémicas y 104 controles de gestantes
no anémicas, obteniendo sus complicaciones perinatales registradas en el
sistema de vigilancia perinatal
Resultados: El 90.4% de las gestantes anémicas presentaron anemia leve
y el 9.6% anemia moderada, el 23.1% son menores de 20 años; el 59.6%
de los casos proceden de la zona urbano marginal; el 65.4% presentaron
complicaciones perinatales, como prematuridad 26.9%) recién nacido de
bajo peso (25.0%), retardo de crecimiento intrauterino (21.2%), y
sufrimiento fetal agudo (13.5%); presentando riesgo significativo con
prematuridad (OR=3.46, p=0.009); RNBP (OR=3.54, p=0.009) y RCIU
(OR=3.32, p=0.019)
Conclusión: Las gestantes anémicas presentan mayor riesgo de presentar
complicaciones perinatales.
Introduction: Anemia is a predominant health problem in our country, studies have associated it with maternal, obstetric and perinatal complications, our region has a high prevalence of poverty and population anemia, for which the present study wishes to determine its relationship with the presence of perinatal complications Objective: To determine the relationship between maternal anemia and perinatal complications in a level III hospital in the city of Iquitos, 2019. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional analytical case control study was carried out, with 52 cases of anemic pregnant women and 104 controls of non-anemic pregnant women, obtaining their perinatal complications registered in the perinatal surveillance system. Results: 90.4% of anemic pregnant women presented mild anemia and 9.6% moderate anemia, 23.1% are under 20 years of age; 59.6% of the cases come from the marginal urban area; 65.4% presented perinatal complications, such as prematurity 26.9%), low birth weight newborn (25.0%), intrauterine growth retardation (21.2%), and acute fetal distress (13.5%); presenting significant risk with prematurity (OR=3.46, p=0.009); NBPI (OR=3.54, p=0.009) and IUGR (OR=3.32, p=0.019) Conclusion: Anemic pregnant women have a higher risk of presenting perinatal complications.
Introduction: Anemia is a predominant health problem in our country, studies have associated it with maternal, obstetric and perinatal complications, our region has a high prevalence of poverty and population anemia, for which the present study wishes to determine its relationship with the presence of perinatal complications Objective: To determine the relationship between maternal anemia and perinatal complications in a level III hospital in the city of Iquitos, 2019. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional analytical case control study was carried out, with 52 cases of anemic pregnant women and 104 controls of non-anemic pregnant women, obtaining their perinatal complications registered in the perinatal surveillance system. Results: 90.4% of anemic pregnant women presented mild anemia and 9.6% moderate anemia, 23.1% are under 20 years of age; 59.6% of the cases come from the marginal urban area; 65.4% presented perinatal complications, such as prematurity 26.9%), low birth weight newborn (25.0%), intrauterine growth retardation (21.2%), and acute fetal distress (13.5%); presenting significant risk with prematurity (OR=3.46, p=0.009); NBPI (OR=3.54, p=0.009) and IUGR (OR=3.32, p=0.019) Conclusion: Anemic pregnant women have a higher risk of presenting perinatal complications.
Anemia materna, Complicaciones perinatales, Maternal anemia, Perinatal complications
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