Uso de recursos financieros y capacitacion en núcleos ejecutores de las comunidades nativas del alto tigre de Loreto – Peru. 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El presente estudio titulado Uso de recursos financieros y capacitación en núcleos ejecutores de las comunidades nativas del Alto Tigre de Loreto-Perú, 2023; tuvo como objetivo, determinar la relación entre el uso de los recursos financieros y la capacitación en los núcleos ejecutores de las comunidades nativas del Alto Tigre de Loreto-Perú,2023; se utilizó como metodología el tipo de investigación descriptiva correlacional cuyo diseño es no experimental, porque no se manipuló la variable independiente: capacitación, sino que se estudió los hechos tal como se desarrolló en la realidad. Catalogándose también como No Experimental transversal porque los datos se recolectaron en un solo momento; la técnica empleada para la recolección de información fue la encuesta y el instrumento utilizado el cuestionario con las interrogantes para conocer la problemática que involucra el uso de recursos financieros y capacitación en núcleos ejecutores de las comunidades nativas del Alto Tigre de Loreto-Perú, 2023. Concluyendo en la presente investigación que la capacitación al personal encargado permite un adecuado manejo de los recursos financieros.
The present study entitled Use of financial resources and training in executing nuclei of the native communities of Alto Tigre de Loreto-Peru, 2023; had the objective of determining the relationship between the use of financial resources and training in the executing nuclei of the native communities of Alto Tigre de Loreto-Peru, 2023; the methodology used was descriptive correlational research with a non-experimental design, because the independent variable was not manipulated: training, but rather the facts were studied as they developed in reality. The technique used to collect information was the survey and the instrument used was the questionnaire with questions to find out the problems involved in the use of financial resources and training in the executing nuclei of the native communities of Alto Tigre de Loreto-Peru, 2023. This research concludes that the training of the personnel in charge allows an adequate management of the financial resources.
The present study entitled Use of financial resources and training in executing nuclei of the native communities of Alto Tigre de Loreto-Peru, 2023; had the objective of determining the relationship between the use of financial resources and training in the executing nuclei of the native communities of Alto Tigre de Loreto-Peru, 2023; the methodology used was descriptive correlational research with a non-experimental design, because the independent variable was not manipulated: training, but rather the facts were studied as they developed in reality. The technique used to collect information was the survey and the instrument used was the questionnaire with questions to find out the problems involved in the use of financial resources and training in the executing nuclei of the native communities of Alto Tigre de Loreto-Peru, 2023. This research concludes that the training of the personnel in charge allows an adequate management of the financial resources.
Núcleo ejecutor, Capacitación, Use of financial resources, Executing nucleus, Training
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