Calidad de atención y grado de satisfacción en puérperas de parto vaginal del Hospital César Garayar García. Iquitos. diciembre 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre la calidad de atención y el grado de
satisfacción de puérperas de parto vaginal atendidas en el Hospital César
Garayar García.Iquitos Diciembre 2023
Metodología: Tipo de investigación cuantitativa, descriptiva, aplicada y
prospectiva. El diseño corresponde a un diseño No experimental,
Transversal y Correlacional.
Resultados: El 42.9% de las puérperas se encuentran entre las edades de
20 a 35 años, 48.7% estado civil conviviente, 72.3% con instrucción
secundaria y el 68.1% proceden de la zona urbana. 50.4% de puérperas
tuvieron de 2 a 5 atenciones prenatales, 57.1 % son multíparas y 12.6%
son gran multíparas, con parto a término en un 82.4%. El 67.2% de las
puérperas percibieron la Calidad como Buena e igualmente las
dimensiones: Aspectos Tangibles 69.7%Respuesta rápida 73.1%, Empatía
60.5%, Seguridad 72.3% y confianza 62.2%. La satisfacción fue percibida
como buena en el 72.3% al igual que las dimensiones. El Chi cuadrado fue
10.223 y un nivel de significancia de p= 0.006 (p=< 0.05).
Objective: To determine the relationship between the quality of care and the degree of satisfaction of postpartum vaginal births atended at the Hospital Cesar Garayar Garcia, December 2023. Methodology: quantitative, descriptive, applied and prospective type of research. The design corresponds to a non-experimental, transversal and correlational design Results: 42.9% of the postpartum women were between 20 and 35 years of age, 48.7% were cohabiting, 72.3% had high school education and 68.1% were from the urban area. 50.4% of the puerperal women had 2 to 5 prenatal visits, 57.1% were multiparous and 12.6% were very multiparous, with 82.4% giving birth at full term. Quality was perceived as good by 67.2% of the postpartum women, as well as in the following dimensions: Tangible Aspects 69.7% Quick response 73.1%, Empathy 60.5%, Security 72.3% and trust 62.2%. Satisfaction was perceived as good in 72.3% as were the dimensions. Chi-square was 10.223 and a significance level of p= 0.006 (p=< 0.05). Conclusion:. There is a significant relationship between quality of care and level of satisfaction with care.
Objective: To determine the relationship between the quality of care and the degree of satisfaction of postpartum vaginal births atended at the Hospital Cesar Garayar Garcia, December 2023. Methodology: quantitative, descriptive, applied and prospective type of research. The design corresponds to a non-experimental, transversal and correlational design Results: 42.9% of the postpartum women were between 20 and 35 years of age, 48.7% were cohabiting, 72.3% had high school education and 68.1% were from the urban area. 50.4% of the puerperal women had 2 to 5 prenatal visits, 57.1% were multiparous and 12.6% were very multiparous, with 82.4% giving birth at full term. Quality was perceived as good by 67.2% of the postpartum women, as well as in the following dimensions: Tangible Aspects 69.7% Quick response 73.1%, Empathy 60.5%, Security 72.3% and trust 62.2%. Satisfaction was perceived as good in 72.3% as were the dimensions. Chi-square was 10.223 and a significance level of p= 0.006 (p=< 0.05). Conclusion:. There is a significant relationship between quality of care and level of satisfaction with care.
Parto, Puérperas, Calidad de atención, Satisfacción de la atención, Childbirth, Postpartum women, Quality of care, Satisfaction with care
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