Responsabilidad social empresarial y la gestión de las empresas turísticas en beneficio de las comunidades rurales de Iquitos, 2022
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Universidad Científica del Perú
El objetivo fue explicar la relación entre la responsabilidad social empresarial y la gestión de las empresas turísticas. El tipo de investigación fue descriptivo, la población conformada por 76 lodges y su muestra, 15.
Concluye que, la mayoría de los lodges tienen implementados más de 3 proyectos en beneficio de las comunidades rurales para contribuir al fortalecimiento de la identidad local, revaloración del territorio y sus activos.
Una de las empresas que mayor impacto obtuvo fue Explorama, tiene alrededor de 50 años en el mercado turístico y cuenta con 30 proyectos donde aplican el desarrollo sostenible. Su enfoque hacia las comunidades es brindar herramientas y estrategias, busca unir pequeños esfuerzos para contribuir con grandes metas. Crean alianzas para impulsar la sostenibilidad, por una mejora continua de todos los elementos que forman el medio ambiente: la naturaleza, los animales y las personas que habitan en el mismo. De esta manera ofrecer un turismo responsable para los turistas, brindando nuevas experiencias con nuestra cultura y naturaleza.
The objective was to explain the relationship between corporate social responsibility and the management of tourism companies. The type of research was descriptive, the population made up of 76 lodges and its sample, 15. It concludes that most of the lodges have implemented more than 3 projects for the benefit of rural communities to contribute to the strengthening of local identity, revaluation of the territory and its assets. One of the companies that had the greatest impact was Explorama, which has been in the tourism market for around 50 years and has 30 projects where they apply sustainable development. Its approach to communities is to provide tools and strategies, it seeks to unite small efforts to contribute to great goals. They create alliances to promote sustainability, for a continuous improvement of all the elements that make up the environment: nature, animals and the people who inhabit it. In this way, we offer responsible tourism for tourists, providing new experiences with our culture and nature.
The objective was to explain the relationship between corporate social responsibility and the management of tourism companies. The type of research was descriptive, the population made up of 76 lodges and its sample, 15. It concludes that most of the lodges have implemented more than 3 projects for the benefit of rural communities to contribute to the strengthening of local identity, revaluation of the territory and its assets. One of the companies that had the greatest impact was Explorama, which has been in the tourism market for around 50 years and has 30 projects where they apply sustainable development. Its approach to communities is to provide tools and strategies, it seeks to unite small efforts to contribute to great goals. They create alliances to promote sustainability, for a continuous improvement of all the elements that make up the environment: nature, animals and the people who inhabit it. In this way, we offer responsible tourism for tourists, providing new experiences with our culture and nature.
Responsabilidad social empresarial, Gestión de las empresas turísticas, Corporate social responsibility, Management of tourism companies
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