Nivel de ansiedad en pacientes pre atención odontológica en un establecimiento de salud de la ciudad de Iquitos, 2023
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Universidad Científica del Perú
Objetivo: El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo para conocer el nivel de ansiedad en pacientes pre atención odontológica en un establecimiento de salud de la ciudad de Iquitos 2023
Metodología: El diseño de investigación que se realizo fue descriptivo, el tipo de investigación fue transversal, prospectivo y observacional, con un enfoque cuantitativo, la población estuvo conformada por 132 Pacientes que asistieron para una atención odontológica, se utilizó como técnica de recolección de datos la encuesta y como el instrumento el cuestionario de la escala dental de Corah.
Resultados: De los132 pacientes que realizaron la encuesta entre las edades de 18 a 60+ en done se observó que entre las edades de 18 a 30 años presenta una ansiedad severa de 24,7 antes de una atención odontológica. Luego se observó que el 75% de pacientes fue de sexo femenino y el 25% de sexo masculino, siendo el sexo masculino con mayor porcentaje a la ansiedad pre atención odontológica con un porcentaje de 30,3. En los resultados la mayoría de pacientes cuentan con secundaria completa y es en donde se observa el mayor porcentaje de ansiedad con un valor de 26,7%.
Conclusiones: No se encontró resultados con grandes diferencias de porcentaje entre los niveles de ansiedad, pero mientras mayor sea la sensibilización de personal de salud hacia el paciente sobre las consecuencias de no realizarse un tratamiento dental por ansiedad, las cifras disminuyeran mucho más.
in patients prior to dental care in a health facility in the city of Iquitos 2023. Methodology: The research design that was carried out was descriptive, the type of research was transversal, prospective and observational, with a quantitative approach, the population was made up of 132 patients who attended for dental care, it was used as a data collection technique. the survey and as the instrument the Corah dental scale questionnaire. Results: Of the 132 patients who took the survey between the ages of 18 to 60+, it was observed that between the ages of 18 to 30 years they present a severe anxiety of 24.7 before dental care. Then it was observed that 75% of patients were female and 25% were male, with the male sex having the highest percentage of anxiety before dental care with a percentage of 30.3. In the results, the majority of patients have completed secondary school and it is where the highest percentage of anxiety is observed with a value of 26.7%. Results: Of the 132 patients who took the survey between the ages of 18 to 60+, it was observed that between the ages of 18 to 30 years they present a severe anxiety of 24.7 before dental care. Then it was observed that 75% of patients were female and 25% were male, with the male sex having the highest percentage of anxiety before dental care with a percentage of 30.3. In the results, the majority of patients have completed secondary school and it is where the highest percentage of anxiety is observed with a value of 26.7%. Conclusions: No results were found with large percentage differences between anxiety levels, but the greater the awareness of health personnel towards the patient about the consequences of not undergoing dental treatment due to anxiety, the numbers will decrease much more.
in patients prior to dental care in a health facility in the city of Iquitos 2023. Methodology: The research design that was carried out was descriptive, the type of research was transversal, prospective and observational, with a quantitative approach, the population was made up of 132 patients who attended for dental care, it was used as a data collection technique. the survey and as the instrument the Corah dental scale questionnaire. Results: Of the 132 patients who took the survey between the ages of 18 to 60+, it was observed that between the ages of 18 to 30 years they present a severe anxiety of 24.7 before dental care. Then it was observed that 75% of patients were female and 25% were male, with the male sex having the highest percentage of anxiety before dental care with a percentage of 30.3. In the results, the majority of patients have completed secondary school and it is where the highest percentage of anxiety is observed with a value of 26.7%. Results: Of the 132 patients who took the survey between the ages of 18 to 60+, it was observed that between the ages of 18 to 30 years they present a severe anxiety of 24.7 before dental care. Then it was observed that 75% of patients were female and 25% were male, with the male sex having the highest percentage of anxiety before dental care with a percentage of 30.3. In the results, the majority of patients have completed secondary school and it is where the highest percentage of anxiety is observed with a value of 26.7%. Conclusions: No results were found with large percentage differences between anxiety levels, but the greater the awareness of health personnel towards the patient about the consequences of not undergoing dental treatment due to anxiety, the numbers will decrease much more.
Ansiedad, Odontología, Salud, Anxiety, Odontology, Health
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