Plan de negocio de alimentos procesados a base de carne de pollo de la amazonía, Iquitos, 2019
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Universidad Científica del Perú
La investigación tiene como objetivo constituir una micro empresa de
elaboración y comercialización de cecina de pollo, con método natural que
conserve el buen sabor, acompañado de diversos tipos de guarniciones, cuyo
nombre será cecina Mayvi.
Los segmentos para los productos son las personas entre 18 y 55 años
de edad, compuestas por amas de casa quienes preparan diariamente sus
alimentos y desean platos con ingredientes naturales.
Se diseñan estrategias de marketing para entregar al cliente un mensaje
claro y motivador del producto. Los procesos son cortos y eficientes, diseñados
con la finalidad de crear un producto de calidad que satisfaga sus necesidades.
Los ratios económicos y financieros presentan un valor actual neto
(VAN) es positivo de ciento ochentinueve mil ochocientos sesentiuno y 00/100
(189,861.00) soles, con una tasa interna de retorno (TIR) del 85% y la relación
beneficio costo (B/C) es igual a dos y 49/100 soles; (2.49), lo que indica que
por cada sol invertido se recupera la inversión más dos y 49/100 soles (2.49),
además arroja capacidad de pago para afrontar la deudas en los 3 años del
The objective of the research is to establish a micro company for the elaboration and commercialization of chicken jerky, with a natural method that preserves the good flavor, accompanied by various types of side dishes, whose name will be Cecina Mayvi. The segments for the products are people between 18 and 55 years of age, composed of housewives who prepare their food daily and want dishes with natural ingredients. Marketing strategies are designed to deliver a clear and motivating message to the customer. The processes are short and efficient, designed to create a quality product that meets your needs. The economic and financial ratios present a net present value (NPV) is positive of one hundred eighty thousand eight hundred sixty-one and 00/100 (189,861.00) soles, with an internal rate of return (IRR) of 85% and the cost benefit ratio (B / C) is equal to two and 49/100 soles; (2.49), which indicates that for each sun invested, the investment plus two and 49/100 soles (2.49) is recovered, and it also provides capacity to pay the debts in the 3 years of the project.
The objective of the research is to establish a micro company for the elaboration and commercialization of chicken jerky, with a natural method that preserves the good flavor, accompanied by various types of side dishes, whose name will be Cecina Mayvi. The segments for the products are people between 18 and 55 years of age, composed of housewives who prepare their food daily and want dishes with natural ingredients. Marketing strategies are designed to deliver a clear and motivating message to the customer. The processes are short and efficient, designed to create a quality product that meets your needs. The economic and financial ratios present a net present value (NPV) is positive of one hundred eighty thousand eight hundred sixty-one and 00/100 (189,861.00) soles, with an internal rate of return (IRR) of 85% and the cost benefit ratio (B / C) is equal to two and 49/100 soles; (2.49), which indicates that for each sun invested, the investment plus two and 49/100 soles (2.49) is recovered, and it also provides capacity to pay the debts in the 3 years of the project.
Plan de negocios, Cecina de pollo, Guarnición, Yuca, Ensalada, Business plan, Chicken jerky, Garnish, Cassava, Salad
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